I've never heard of playing half a song...

ur right this is a funny thread. But totally true and totally called for at the same time. Seriously stop making whyny threads saying how much "u hate bodoms new stuff or they sucked live or blah blah blah bitch and complain" seriously no one gives a shit. What purpose does it serve to come online and bitch and compalin about bands? Be happy you even went to see them. There are some hardcore fans that would have given there left testicle to go. You build up the bands to be super fuckin godly heroes and shit, and then when they make a mistake you cry like a bunch of little girls, they are only human shit happens deal with it. If it bugs you that much that they dont play perfectly or they didnt play your favourite song then dont listen to them and stay the fuck off the forum. I totally agree with BodomTerrorOverGermany there is far worse shit that could have happened. And if your mad it can be perfected live then go listen to some lip syncing pop shit instead, im pretty sure the computer can play it perfectly. *rolls eyes* Lofton0788, i totally agree with you about them not being true bodom fans if they want to change a crutial ingredient like Alexi.

so now you're calling bodom a hardcore band? :zombie:
ur right this is a funny thread. But totally true and totally called for at the same time. Seriously stop making whyny threads saying how much "u hate bodoms new stuff or they sucked live or blah blah blah bitch and complain" seriously no one gives a shit. What purpose does it serve to come online and bitch and compalin about bands? Be happy you even went to see them. There are some hardcore fans that would have given there left testicle to go. You build up the bands to be super fuckin godly heroes and shit, and then when they make a mistake you cry like a bunch of little girls, they are only human shit happens deal with it. If it bugs you that much that they dont play perfectly or they didnt play your favourite song then dont listen to them and stay the fuck off the forum. I totally agree with BodomTerrorOverGermany there is far worse shit that could have happened. And if your mad it can be perfected live then go listen to some lip syncing pop shit instead, im pretty sure the computer can play it perfectly. *rolls eyes* Lofton0788, i totally agree with you about them not being true bodom fans if they want to change a crutial ingredient like Alexi.

chussss. thank you. i mean, i go on forums sometimes obviously, but seriously people. go outside. do something other than bitch about bands on the internet.
i'd totally give my non-existant left testicle to see them. and i love that thing.
and yeah they're not gods. they're people. they fuck up.
and Alexi always has and always will own your ass anyway.
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Well me and "Hatecrew deathroll" i guess are the only voices of reason amongst all you clowns. How can you blame someone for being pissed when a band that is perfectly capable of playing great live would rather put on a piss poor half ass show. I can't believe how many of you (im assuming 12-14 year olds) are so freakin' blind to the current state of bodom. Wake up idiots
Yeah i can understand you being a little bit down about but seriously dont snap out about it. And honestly tho (not being rude) i dont think anyone intentionally does a bad show. Bands go through changes it happens.
Well me and "Hatecrew deathroll" i guess are the only voices of reason amongst all you clowns. How can you blame someone for being pissed when a band that is perfectly capable of playing great live would rather put on a piss poor half ass show. I can't believe how many of you (im assuming 12-14 year olds) are so freakin' blind to the current state of bodom. Wake up idiots

Hope that you won't take these my words in a bad way, but I have to say them...
First thing, it's not nice calling yourself as "voice of the reason" and then calling the others "idiots", cause in my opinion someone who has the faculty to reason about something and to use his/her brain in a constructive way to discuss with other people shouldn't offend them, expecially for first.

Second thing, I'm noone and don't wanna deem anyone, but I think that as like as you and Hate Crew Deathroll have your opinions, other people have their opinions, along with the right to think their way and to express themselves too, as you two just did.

Third and last thing, it's been repeated a lot, ok, but if you (and so Hate Crew Deathroll too, yes) keep complaining about that "new" direction the band took, if you always find something else about their way of playing that makes you disappointed, if you find always something that makes you criticize Children of Bodom's songs as if you could really understand what's their music more than they do know (and uuh, I have doubts, sorry)... well, it would be better if you'd stop listening to them, or that you'd go back listening to their old cds only...so, everything would never tear or stain your perfect and smooth world.

(Hmm, and somebody forgive me all my mistakes, please..)
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^ it's not about the direction they are taking musically, but more the lack of respect THEY as in bodom are showing for their OWN music by putting on a poor performance.
Well me and "Hatecrew deathroll" i guess are the only voices of reason amongst all you clowns. How can you blame someone for being pissed when a band that is perfectly capable of playing great live would rather put on a piss poor half ass show. I can't believe how many of you (im assuming 12-14 year olds) are so freakin' blind to the current state of bodom. Wake up idiots

You shouldn't be paying to see a band that you are upset with in their current "state", because that is what you are going to get. Don't like where the band is going ? Stop listening to them. I have been a fan for years and I never had the chance to see them until this January, and then again on the Unholy Alliance tour, and I thought they owned the entire show both times. Im glad they play medly's live, it's something different to staying in the house and listening to the CD's, which is one of the marks of a good live show. Something different.

I guess that makes me an idiot, right ?
I don't think HateCrewDeathroll is wrong in whinning about the show. This is a fucking FORUM! we are here to discuss and his post definitely starts a discussion. Nobody likes a winnie...I understand. but fucking grow up about it! If I paid good money for a show and was waiting for my fav part and it was fucking skipped i'd be upset too.
at least you gota see them live!
this time around i kinda missed the guitar/keybord duel solo thing...
but it didnt take away from the enjoyment of it all.