Minds Eye's Israel Update (IMAGE HEAVY)

Apr 8, 2005
Hey, I thought some of you might be interested to hear what I'm doing for my year in Israel and quite a few people have been asking me questions so I thought it might be a cool idea to post a small summary on how my time heres going.

Currently I'm staying on a Kibbutz near Bet Shemesh and for those who arent Israeli its about 20 minutes from Jerusalem I think. So far I've done some pretty amazing stuff (other than partying really hard and drinking constantly), when I first arrived we went on a 4 day hike through the Negev Desert where we saw a sand twister and it rained for the first time in 2 years.



I've also stayed in the beautiful city of Eliyat, which has see through beach water and white sand, they have some pretty cool dance parties on the beach and in general it looks just like a movie set with the market down the side of the seafront and the city in the backround. Probally one of my favourite places visited so far.



Um what else? Seen the dead sea scrolls, visited a million museums,stayed in real bedowin tents (going to the bedowin market tommorow)

Also went to a place called Red Canyon which has Egyptian Heiroglphics and quite alot of old foundations with some mosaics and stuff too.

Been to the wailing wall (as everyone who goes to Israel basicially does) for those who going isnt a regular thing, its quite a awe inspiring experience and it feels amazing to touch something I've only seen in postcards, I'm not a religious person but it was really cool to walk through the old city and past the wall. Dead Sea was really strange also, I didnt realise the extent to which you can float and the fact if you piss in the water it feels like your dick is actually on fire (haha my friend did this)



Mmm what else? Been on a party boat near the border of Jordan, been to Haifa, partied in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and finally got my Orphaned Land ticket now I just gotta figure out how I'm gunna get there and it'll be PERFECT.

Finally heres me in town on a party boat drunk as hell trying not to fall unconcious!


Man oh man, reminds me of my trip to Israel, two summers ago.

The Negev was gorgeous...so serene and quiet. The Dead Sea water hurt a lot guys and girls a like in that...ahem...area :rolleyes: but it never got to me until I got some in my eyes. I was literally blinded as I crawled up the beach to the shower.
Folklore said:
second pic was the best.
Aint the Negev Grand???

Sure is.

Aaaaaaah- how I wish I could join you there. Well, in fact I can, I'll be in Israel from May 30th till June 4th. Who knows we will stumble into one another?

Thank you for updating us on what's going on and hope to see some more stories and pictures inhere!

Yeah I'll try post some interesting stories later on! Yeah thats a possibility!

The Negev was gorgeous...so serene and quiet. The Dead Sea water hurt a lot guys and girls a like in that...ahem...area but it never got to me until I got some in my eyes. I was literally blinded as I crawled up the beach to the shower.

Haha good times!

I'm really glad you guys liked the pictures I'll try post more in the future.


My friend in the old city:




Oh yeah and I have some questions I might as well post here.

A) Who's going to the gig next week?
B) I always see photos of you guys with OL and I'm wondering how is it that you get to meet them? I'd really like that to happen to me.
I go to gig next week. If I'll hve the time to get the tickets. Army thingy is on my nerves, really, and I just can't believe that the Haifa "Junk" busted out!
Ko_B said:
Don't worry, you'll also have tickets at the venue and Avi (Folklore) is selling tickets in Haifa.

Thx Kobi. I've spoken to Avi already, didn't have the luck to catch him last thursday... I asked a friend of mine to take care of that since I go to army tomorrow till friday.

It's been a long time since I've been to an OL gig... It's about time.
I'll be there too, obviously
just need to find a way to get there and back.
I haven't seen Seek Irony live since 2004, another good reason to come
We are trying to assure you all the time it's that easy. But hy, if I were you I'd be just as excited!:Smokin:
When I first met OL- I didn't even know who I was talking to, cauz I never saw any new pics...after the sahara album that is. :rolleyes:
Good luck, you can always tag along with Folklore or anyone from the forum from Israel and ask to be introduced :cool: