

Master Exploder
Anyone else here a fan? I since I picked up The Last Sucker a few months ago it has been kicking my arse in my car frequently. Much more extreme than I was expecting, though I am not overly familiar with their back catalogue. Anyway, great album for anyone interested!
I used to like them a bit, but haven't really listened to them much. Their clips used to be on Rage a lot, and they were pretty cool at the Big Day Out in 1995 or so.
Psalm 69 is really the only album that I'm familiar with, but it's a good 'un. Been listening to that since Uni, which I finished in '94.

When I say it like that, I feel old.
Psalm 69 is the only other one I own (I really like some songs), and have heard some of Rio Grande Blood (which was more punk influenced from what I heard), but The Last Sucker just rips the shit outta those IMO. It is furious!

Haven't heard 'Land of Rape and Honey' have pricked my interest Mr Ripper. I shall look into it.
I had a dream years ago that I was hired as a backing singer for Ministry (Al Jourgensen's wife was also a backing singer). Of course, as always seems to happen in these dreams, I got up on stage and realised I didn't know any of the words.

As far as I know I've never heard a Ministry song or album, so maybe that's why I wasn't familiar with their material at the time.
90s Industrial is one of my favourite genres, and I think in the beginning much of it did come from building on Metallica style riffs. Die Krupps (90s industrial pioneers) even did an industrial Metallica tribute album to pay homage.

Anyway, The Last Sucker, which is a very recent album, is extreme metal, and is very good.