
Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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Last night was the show of the tour so far. I didn't think we would have a better gig than Chicago, NY or even Allentown (those 3 were all great), but Minneapolis was it. First Avenue was oversold by a couple of hundred and it was literally a sea of bodies moshing, banging, swimming, singing etc. I have footage of the pit during Indians that I will post as soon as I can get it off our monitor guy Tom. This tour has really been exciting. Almost completely sold out (thank you!!!) The shows have taken it to another level. I wish we were out for another month!! We'll be back soon enough. Europe in April. Get ready my friends, this band is on fire.
damn now I REALLY wish I could have gone to the Lawrence show.....well, hopefully my buddies there will get me pics or autograph or something. Cant wait to hear new material!:headbang:
I'm surprised Scott doesn't mention the drenching he and his equipment took early in the show (that led to short circuits randomly for an hour). He was SUPER pissed!

Show kicked ass, though, and they played Intro to Reality, Belly of the Beast, and Madhouse during sound check earilier in the day.

oh, and 1st post (although long-time Anthrax fan)
Wow. Melbourne was the best gig i have witnessed from any band ever. This must have been a totaly amazing show. Goes to show how much people love this band.
ahhh man i cant wait for the london show......its gonna go apeshit

geez yeah i hope its true that they are playing intro to reality/....i may cream my jeans if they play that into belly live
lokey said:
ahhh man i cant wait for the london show......its gonna go apeshit

geez yeah i hope its true that they are playing intro to reality/....i may cream my jeans if they play that into belly live

Yeah, I'm stoked too. I'm even going to venture into the cess-pit that is London juse to see the mighty 'Thrax, which is something that I ordinarily wouldn't do for most bands, given I hate the place so much!
Yeah, chances are I'll come up to London (from Madrid) for that gig!!! Always loved the Thrax in Londinium

(although, I agree..... it is a fucking cess pit!)
Intro To reality? hmmm, can anyone confirm this?

1st post. I can confirm this, I was there too. Danny was figuring it out a bit but totally came into it during 'Belly'. I was glad they played it since they are pretty much ignoring 'POT' during the show. They also played Thin Lizzy's Jailbreak. During the solo of Madhouse Charlie slowed it down a bit and made it 'swing' a bit more so Danny did a bluesy solo, then Joey and Frank started to sing it lower after that. They were just fuckin' around having fun. Very cool soundcheck. I have some pics up on myspace if you have it:


One thing I noticed at the show was after the solo to 'Skeletons' when they are doing the chugging part, it sounds like they were playing it like 'Now You've Got Something To Die For' by Lamb Of God. It was probably lost on most people but I swear that's what it sounded like.

I've been listening to Anthrax since I was 12 or 13, 1988. Been lurking on this board here and there for years, I just don't really post much unless I'm whoring out my band on local forums.


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