Misanthrope - NSkit, Battery, Cubase, and V-Amp2.


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I did this today after getting my Battery/Cubase SX3 setup all nice n dandy...Still not happy with the NSkit sounds, though, so I'll be looking into DFHS in the near future. Took the GuitarPro midi file for drums, tweaked a bit, but they still don't sound very good. Snare rolls are terrible, and some of the parts are wrong (to my ears).

Schecter C-1 Stealt (Duncan Custom) -> Behringer V-Amp2 -> Behringer Mixer -> Creative crab USB soundcard.

I'm uprading to the Audiphile 24/96 next month, soundcard wise, and I'll be able to use my keyboard via midi to do the drums a bit more to my liking. The bass was an Ibanez SDGR with an EMG89 set, it's my bassists. That was into the V-amp2 with the preamp bypassed.

I didn't do much mixing besides levels, and didn't do any filtering/compressing, so not much to say about the actual sound of it. It really did turn out better than I expected, however. Most of the rhythm is one take (kind of sloppy, I didn't use a clicktrack), as well as the bass, I took maybe 2-3 on the lead, which I'm more happy with than anything else in this. The rhythm guitar gets cut off at one point; I think it was an editing fuckup that I never remember to correct until it was too late.

Guitars were one track left, one right, and one center for the lead and phaser in the bridge. Bass was one mono track.
