Misery's Crown cover

Excellent work! I like that you personalized it, rather than going with a direct cover. A few points:

- Throughout the entire opening, the there's an offbeat crash cymbal on the last 8th note of the measure. First, I would suggest turning it down in the mix; it's a little distracting. Second, why is it there, instead of at the beginning of the next measure? The impact of the crash and the chord changes are offset. The effect could work if that crash note were followed by a deeper crash on the first beat right after it. The first crash would sort of "step down" into the next beat. I'm just a little bit confused about the way it is now.

- The verse (0:32), is a bit distracting with the splash cymbal. The beat it's playing is a bit "surf rock," if that makes any sense (listen to the back beat in some old Dick Dale). Other than that, I really like the drums all through the verse. Nothing like Anders would play, but a very good rhythm to fill in where the vocals are missing. Especially at 0:47 to the chorus.

- I genuinely love the pre-chorus (2:00). You took it in a completely different direction from the original. The DT version gets light at that point, with the high-pitched guitars and all the delicate work on the hi-hat. Here, you went for more of a heavy feel. I like that you made it your own. I'm not sure about how it blends into the next chorus, since they're the same dynamic (the original sort of goes from soft to loud). This take is something that I hadn't thought of, and I really like the idea.

- The synth added in all choruses after the pre-choruses are added is pretty sweet. Reminds me a bit of the synth from Iridium (though Iridium has a thicker, richer texture).

- The piano outro is also great. Is it changed just slightly? The way it's played in the original, I don't think the piano ever plays the same note twice back to back, which pops up in your cover. I only mention it because playing the same note twice on any synthetic instrument is what gives it a way as fake. It just comes across a bit flat, whereas Martin B. plays it more flowingly.

This is some really great work. I look forward to more!

P.S. Out of curiosity, were your drums programmed by a guitarist?
thanks for opinion.. well I'm playing only guitars, others tracks are converted from guitar pro, bass and synths were done by someone and I've tried to write drums, but as you see I'm not very good in that.. maybe because I've never played drums, but also never tried to concentre on that.. I should improve it
Yeah, the only thing that stood out about the drums was that some of the cymbals were a bit "in your face". Otherwise, it's a great cover.

My question about drums was just based on a pattern I have been observing. Drums written by non-drummers tend to be unique, in that they don't really fit into the frame of how drummers think. As an example, in the verses, there are moments where there is no counting on the ride/hi-hat. Anyone with an instinct for keeping time would tend to put that in, even though the machine keeps time on its own. That's how drummers think. At the same time, however, that section has a unique fluidity that you might miss otherwise. I can tell that it wasn't written by a drummer, but it's not bad.

Great cover!
I played drums for a few years (in the same sort of progressive vein as DT). I don't really have the time to work actively on anything, but you can feel free to PM me if you want any input on anything you're working on. I try to be constructive, and I hope I didn't simply come across as critical above. It is a solid cover, and I love the way you made it your own.

Do you only do covers for now, or is there some original material that we can check out?
well I've tried to start a project called All the Fury
there are some songs which I wrote, but not in a great quality and also mastering sucks.. and of course a played some parts wrong.. But it looks that I will have a drummer for this one, but he doesn't want to do covers.. so I hope that in the nearest possible time we will create some line-up and start to play.. between it should be something like melodeath
Hey man, I have a proposal for you. I'm a drummer and I can record drum tracks in my computer with my electronic drum kit. Maybe I could record them for you and you'd just mix them in your track. How about that? I can send you them in MP3 format. If you're really interested, send me a private message so we can settle the needed details.
Hello again!

I haven't got a reply for you, but in order to give you and idea of what we can do, you could check out this video I've done for Moonshield, by In Flames.

Get in touch!

PS: Sorry for the spam, guys! :oops:

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sorry a was not available in last days (school).. nice video, I think we could do something like that, we could do some great track.. check http://bandzone.cz/allthefury I did 2 new IF covers its in E tunning now and I wrote some synths for those songs. If you like it we could choose some song from In flames for example or now I am also working on dimmu borgir.. If you dont have problem with E tunning it would be good because now I can not play in C. A wrote synths also for behind space, clayman, food for the gods, working on episode..
Hey man!

I've checked your work and I think it's awesome! I can even say I prefer your version of Artifacts of the Black Rain to the original one!

I'll send you a private message, so we can discuss this in private. I believe people won't like it a lot if we keep discussing this in the DT forum!