"Misery's crown" video filmed

It's probably because we've seen more than a few videos of the band playing and were expecting something else this time. For such an innovative band their last couple of videos (except perhaps the Lego-Terminus) have been very simplistic in concept, if not in visual design.

Sure, the split screen and monochrome style are nice touches, just like the changing camera-angle of Focus Shift or the cool background elements of Lost to Apathy were, but apart from that, there's very little interesting in this video. I wonder if this was meant for TV-broadcasting and casual audiences? It's probably the most TV-friendly song from the band since Projector, so I suppose the video could've been made to catch the attention of new audiences, rather than to entertain us old farts.

Hopefully their next video will be something completely different. I recall I criticized the Monochromatic Stains video for being "too artsy" or something like that - now I realize it's the one DT video I can watch again and again without getting bored. Perhaps DT should try to get that same Greek guy (Narcoloth or something here on UM) to do their next video.


Yes, I think that the video was definitely made to appeal to a casual audience. Still, I wonder why it was released such a long time after Fiction; I guess they did it so people would buy the new DVD and probably, the new album.

As snuffcarl said, I pretty much see it as a promo video.
Hehe I thought my comments were harsh :p
Nothing harsher than a cranky Siren on a bad decade.

I agree with everything Defiance, Villain and snuffcarl said.
Also agreedx2 on the greek guy who did Monochromatic Stains. I had criticised some minor details about it too, but all in all it has to be the best music video i've ever seen. I think Achilleas even worked with Tim Burton after it, so extra kudos to him for that.
Nothing harsher than a cranky Siren on a bad decade.

I agree with everything Defiance, Villain and snuffcarl said.
Also agreedx2 on the greek guy who did Monochromatic Stains. I had criticised some minor details about it too, but all in all it has to be the best music video i've ever seen. I think Achilleas even worked with Tim Burton after it, so extra kudos to him for that.

Haha a bad decade, that's sad :( . I thought that Friend's song was sad when they say "when it hasn't been your day, week, month or even your year…", but a decade? Damn. Cheer up will you ? :kickass:

I think that overall, Monochromatic Stains is not only DT's best videos, but one of the best videos I've ever seen. Period.

when u mention Tim burton, why not let him have the honor of directing the next DT video?

Haha now that'd be something! :lol:
Well maybe they had a small budget aswell. Though I still enjoyed the video, it's way better than nothing atleast. I still don't understand what you guys would have wanted instead of this. And it beats Rammsteins new video called ''Pussy'' by miles haha.
I thought it dragged slightly. I will say this though, I enjoyed the live footage. It was actually shot really well, some good kinetic shots and it wasn't always close up on the hands as they play through the progressions or right up Mikael's nose as he's singing/growling. Honestly it was really well done for that type of video. Problem is, there are about 9000000 of those out there, so it'd have to be really different for it to be noticeable. That being said, really for something so straightforward it was well done.

Doesn't mean that I don't find those particular videos boring though. And correct me if I'm wrong but the lips were not synched completely at one or two points. Don't really feel bad though, whenever a band releases a video they have to know fans are going to be opinionated. If the next record sells well (likely) and they can finally get a headlining tour in the US (no co-anythings) as well as keeping up their strong world presence, CM might throw them a few more bones and maybe they'll have an opportunity to make something more creative that might cost a bit more.
Admittedly, I only saw a few years of MTV as a child before they transitioned entirely to non-music programming. I remember a lot of story-telling videos, and a lot of "block party" videos that were just the band rocking out with fans. I suppose the Misery's Crown video could have been some melodramatic video portrait of a relationship with a depressed person who was bringing their misery down on a loved one. It could have also been the band playing a house or block party. Both of these would have been utterly retarded.

Similarly, it could have been (and was) a lot of footage of the band live and in more artistic solo shots, which made a nice visual accompaniment to the song. I kind of liked how, despite being live footage of death metal, it's very morose. Which is exactly how I would describe this song and this band.

Music videos are an aging medium, and one that is not nearly as huge as it was in the MTV days. These concepts are hard, and after 30 years, most of them have been done. What video would you have made for Misery's Crown?
What video would you have made for Misery's Crown?
I wouldn't have picked that song either. But if it had to be that song, i'd show the band in a bar, heartbroken, messy hair, drinking themselves silly. Then grabbing their instruments (i mean mic, guitars, bass and drums), getting naked, and playing while extremely wasted. And then a shot of them waking up nude in complete embarrassment. :p
I wouldn't have picked that song either. But if it had to be that song, i'd show the band in a bar, heartbroken, messy hair, drinking themselves silly. Then grabbing their instruments (i mean mic, guitars, bass and drums), getting naked, and playing while extremely wasted. And then a shot of them waking up nude in complete embarrassment. :p

:lol: I'm not sure the band would agree….

R+ video is quite bad, I like the song, but that video, I don't know….
R+ video is quite bad, I like the song, but that video, I don't know….
Agreed, the promo of the video looked interesting and funny, but the video itself is pointless and distasteful. Might as well have watched real pr0n.
Yeah, real p0rn with R+ as background music is better IMO.

I go the other way on this one. I like that electronic metal thing (Theatre of Tragedy, Paradise Lost circa "Erased"), but Pussy is an absolute crap song. It's terrible. Frankly, it reminds me of The Sounds, but more metal and less awesome.

The video, on the other hand, catches your attention. It at least leaves you with something, such as shock, rather than the song on its own which leaves you aching to skip to the next song.
I go the other way on this one. I like that electronic metal thing (Theatre of Tragedy, Paradise Lost circa "Erased"), but Pussy is an absolute crap song. It's terrible. Frankly, it reminds me of The Sounds, but more metal and less awesome.

The video, on the other hand, catches your attention. It at least leaves you with something, such as shock, rather than the song on its own which leaves you aching to skip to the next song.

Haha well I love Theatre of Tragedy and all stages of Paradise Lost :) , but I still like this song.