Mix CD reccomendations


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
I'm going to compile a Mix of little folkish songs and intros. For sure I'm going to put on the 3 Hate Forest folk songs, Cruachan - I am Tuan (to give you an idea of the kind of stuff I'm looking for) , and I'm sure that there are some Graveland intros, and Temnozor stuff I can put on. Can anyone reccomend some stuff I could check out to put on this?
Graveland - Intro and Outro from Following the Voice of Blood
Graveland - Intro and Outro from Immortal Pride
Primordial - The Cruel Sea
Tumulus - Der grimmig Tod
Geasa - Spancill Hill
Anything from Lord Wind
Rudra probably has some really good ones as well, but I don't listen to them too often, but they kick ass.
Hammers of Misfortune - "Witches Dance"
Jethro Tull

This is tough because you want the pure folk elements without the metal right? Still, not sure if you can get better than Empyrium as NAD suggested. They are in a class of their own.
add "norrbloss och gasteld" and "galdersång till bergfadern" by otyg if you can locate them, two wooonderful folkish tunes.
i'll upload them for you if you like if i ever get my internet connection at home working