mix im workin on... real drums/miced cabs!


May 3, 2004
finished tracking a few songs for a local band and been mixing today... what do you guys think?

kick and snare are samples... and im kinda hating the snare one i picked listening back now, everything else is acoustic... guitars are reamped 6505 into mesa cab with a 57

drums are nt5 overheads in spaced pair, e604 tom mics, hihat is at4050, used a beta52 and 57 on kick and snare but they arent in this mix at all... maybe ill work with them more later. used some oktavas on ride and china but i havent got around to editing those and such yet so they are also muted, i dont even think i need them really

oh and bass is sansamp di

vox still need some serious automation and guitars edited, but drums are quantized...

"ia 10 wip"
wow it sounds GREAT

plz tell us more about settings and you know...stuff... :p