hey Joe, great stuff. Glad to see you embrace the idea of being creative with mixes of your material. I tried mixing a cambridge metal song for practice and the guitarist really went at it with me because I tried changing a few things. I've picked up some new skills since then, so I should be able to have some fun with your's and deliver better than what I've done before. Your track may be the one I test drive this Excalibur plugin from Exponential with(releases in a few hours to demo). Your tracks also sound like they were recorded with a lot better quality than a lot of other multitracks out there. Later today I'll take a listen and hopefully sometime this week I can do a mix for ya. Is there anything you've wanted someone to try and do that hasn't been done before? I like so many metal productions from the 70s up until maybe a few years ago, so, I may try a couple different approaches. thanks again!