Mixing questions for Andy!

Kevin Kitchel

Junior Muppet
Apr 14, 2002
Lansing, MI
First I'd like to say how damn cool this is, a metal forum headed up by a great metal engineer. I'm pretty sure this is one-of-a-kind, and I'm really glad I stumbled upon it. Okay...

I have a few general questions for you... do you track to ADAT first through the console or go straight into ProTools? And do you mix on the board you have in your studio, or do you just use it as a monitor board? What monitors do you mix on usually? Do you pretty much mix in PT now? And do you master in PT also? What dio you use to master the KsE record?


I love the way the new KsE, its a great record all around, and I'm actually in the booklet for the CD in one of th elive shots.
I don't actually use ADAT's anymore, I use the ADAT bridge with RME converters straight into Pro Tools. The Killswitch album was mixed entirely within Pro Tools and mastered with a TC Finalizer. I have a Control 24 at the studio now , so I don't even have a desk, just using a controller. Monitors are NS10's and Genelec 1031's.
do you know anywhere that sells ns10 replacement parts? like online or anything? i inherited a pair from a college station i used to work at but they dont work right. need ne speakers i think....what do you think of the event monitors and the mackies as well..?