Andy - Mouse question

You are right about the RADAR sounding better. I won't argue with you on that point. The A/D converter are excellent on it.

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with using RADAR, its a class act. My preference is just towards Pro Tools. I guess its cuz I've used it alot and know way to many shortcuts :p I'm like Bruce Lee when I get going...

As for the control24 we have one in college and all they are is a glorified mouse with 16 pre's :) If you know your shortcuts you will edit and manipulate alot faster. All though it's nice to push a real fader over using a mouse.

I love mixing on a SSL there excellent desk in that department...

SPLASTiK said:
RADAR is awesome. I wouldn't really compare it to ProTools, it's not really a DAW and only meant for limited editing. It's basically meant just to replace a tape machine. I wouldn't say ProTools as a tape machine is easier to use either, I mean RADAR is pretty simple and you don't have to go through hardware setups and whatnot. Personally I think it sounds better for tracking than PT. If I was loaded I'd get one for Tracking and ProTools for editing/mixing. Best of both worlds in my opinion.

iZ is a local company and I love the guys. Since they're local here if you have any problems you just call them up and they came by and fix it right away.

Months ago some idiot was messing around and deleted some of the bootup files or something. It was like 10pm on a Friday night and the President of iZ came and fixed the problem himself, that's quality customer service. He was a cool guy, we chatted for like an hour after he was done.
My control 24 doesnt work half the time either... sometimes all the LEDS turn on and the whole board freezes up and I cant even use as a monitor controller.. just found someone to buy it off me..

What made you go with the SSL over an icon?
thats a power supply problem, its a known fault. You should get in touch with Digi because if its an earlier power supply, they'll replace it for you. I've had mine replaced but it's still doing exactly that, so they're now swapping the memory board. SSL over Icon? Not a difficult decission that one. 24 channels of SSL for starters, full DAW controller, SSL AWSoptimation etc etc
i just noticed that the majority of andys ssl plans were like in 2005... any update on this??

andy im seeing u still didnt get it. did you the amek back then, did u decide to get the amek vs the aws. im not sure how long you've had it in there

You could get a Pro control 24 tracks for a good price. I did. :grin:
It works great, feels better and doesn't have the Control 24 problems.

The AWS is connected to Protools by midi with a HUI profile if I'm not mistaken.
You should check the integration before you buy.
Are you thinking of using the EQs and Comps of the SSL?
You sure you just dont want a 4000 andy? I know where there is one for sale, heh. Seriously though, aws, good to see some people make some smart moves, ahem.:rock: