MIXING TIME: (A Charlez Song)

it sounds kinda harsh and overcompressed to me, if you master this, the end result would be hard to listen to,
I would turn down the OH's. Don't know what more to say! I'm a noob myself :rofl:
haha it's all good. I think the overheads need to be turned down a bit as well, as well as needing some compression to keep them under control. Idk
Hey Charlez, if you don't mind me asking, maybe you can get into specifics on how to get your guitar tone?
Ok, you may still not like this mix, but I compressed the OH's a bit more, panned them out a tad farther, turned them down a bit (since they were a bit harsh and too loud), compressed the mix, and clipped it a bit. I think it sounds better than before, but hey... that's just me. :D

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Here's my quick attempt at the mix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17547680/Charlez Song.mp3

The rhythm guitars are Legion and the Leads are LeCto both with the Catharsis impulses. Drums are Slate and that's all there is folks.

The Bass is still giving me a hard time, so any tips would be appreciated (Ermz e-book can't come soon enough for me! aha)

Please be critical and harsh, I need to learn. :)
Here's my quick attempt at the mix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17547680/Charlez Song.mp3

The rhythm guitars are Legion and the Leads are LeCto both with the Catharsis impulses. Drums are Slate and that's all there is folks.

The Bass is still giving me a hard time, so any tips would be appreciated (Ermz e-book can't come soon enough for me! aha)

Please be critical and harsh, I need to learn. :)

The guitars are a tad too loud and a bit harsh for my taste. Sounds like there's too much gain as they are very fizzy and grainy. Some of the cymbals are also hard to hear, but that could be due to how loud the guitars are.
That sounds awesome dude :D
do you think you can link your pod farm preset? :)
and what impulse from redwire are u using?

Peace! :)
You need more low end and less "scratchiness" on your guitars. I also am not a fan of that snare at all. The OHs also need to be turned down a bit and some reverb would be nice as well.
Freakin awesome song man, really fun to mix! I also threw down some vocals (not entirely sure if that was even what you were looking for in vocals but i threw them down anyway :D)

Hope ya like the mix, keep the tunes pumping!


And just a thing I noticed, most of the mixes ive heard from this thread are just absolutely SLAMMED and pumping like mad, ease up on the smashing ;p