MIXING TIME, SONG3: Complete Feared song inside

Yeah I got some problems with my soundcard just as I exported, everything was getting out as mono. Didn't listened to the render after putting it here, so thanks to tell. Hate this soundcard sometimes. Presonus Universal Control is a bunch of trouble...

I did an alternative mix just before starting this one, I don't know which one sounds better, this one has more snare and kick to it, and drums has more compression. And I think I prefer my bass tone in this one. But I'm not sure, anyway. Don't look at the sound that is cutting sometimes, it's the Presonus thing going on again, and don't look at the sidechaining during solo, I did it as a test to see some solo-ducking in action.

ahhhhh! I love this, didn't notice it, i'm a bit late but i'm going to mix this tommorow night I think, some sweet mixes i've been flipping through!
That was like 10 years ago :D

Ummm don't have a clue, it was a apartment complex and a town couple miles away.

You can find a pic of Antonio on http://www.myspace.com/barbusband

:lol: I thought that you were saying that you had been here recently.

Looking at Antonio's pics I think I don't know him, but maybe he's different now or possibly I never saw him in my life. :lol:
Ask him where's he from.