Mixing vocals with HUGE vocal range? (record w dynamic and condenser?)


Apr 7, 2006
Mixing/recording a song with a TON of vocal range.

I was thinking about tracking the lower verse vocals with a KSM32 condenser (all I've got). But when I try tracking soaring vocals the KSM for the chorus- it gets a little brittle and harsh. I've had better luck tracking big vox with a Shure SM7B.

I've recorded for a long while, but I am definitely still a beginner at tracking/mixing vox. Would you guys track vocals with two different mics? The SM7b just isn't sensative enough to capture a lot of subtleties of the verse vocals, but the condenser doesn't seem fit for the huge chorus vocals.

If so, how would you mix both to sound like they are from the same mic/recording? My typical effects include:

Pitch, compressor, EQ, verb, delay (time based stuff as sends).

First of all, is pitch -> compressor -> EQ the order of the chain that I'd want? Sometimes I feel like EQing last sounds worse than throwing the EQ up front, but I know that's not common practice.

Thanks guys! Looking forward to responses! :headbang:

Don't forget you can mix each section differently. add different eq/fx/compression to each section to make it fit the part, line or even the word, doesn't always have to be the mic for the right part. Also.. i dunno what your mic selection is exactly but a trick to do while tracking a very dynamic vocalist is to use two mics together one with the pre amp pretty loud and one quiet so the idea is that you cut between them for different sections. or just set your pre amp for the LOUDEST part of the song and then just turn it up after.. but sometimes its not ideal.