MOD touring bass player wanted..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Ok, So here is the deal. I have a couple ringers waiting to do this MOD tour schedule but I would like to see who is in the GREATER AUSTIN AREA worth a shit. Everyone thinks that it's MOD so there is real money, well guess again. We are a working mans hardcore/thrash band. END OF STORY. You'll get to see the world and meet some of the people you grew up listening to in music.
So if your interested know this.

1. Maturity- If your not a team player, stay here and feel free to tour red river for the rest of your fantasy jam bands career.
2. History- You must be seasoned on stage, your instrument and in life. We are some ball busting mother fuckers so be prepared. The road is not for everybody and is a place where only the strong survive.
3. No wife, No kids, No asking mommy if you can tour. Either commit for a year of touring and deal with your life in between tours for a year or DON"T DO IT!!
4. If you love your job, stay there. This isn't a get rich quick scheme.
5. Must have NO criminal convictions. END OF STORY!!!
6. PASSPORT must be valid and up to date.
7. No DRUGS. We may be a hardcore band but if your not professional than fuck off. The road is no game it's got rules of conduct to follow and I never take that for granted. I travel with my family (dogs) and their safety comes before your partying.
8. REPLY ONLY IF YOU ARE ALL OF THE ABOVE. GREATER AUSTIN AREA ONLY. I don't pay for GAS, PHONE, RENT, DIAPERS, CAR INSURANCE, FOOD or REHEARSAL. Be an adult an except your own responsibility for your life's cost.