
Jul 23, 2007
Some 13 year old pissing about not being able to get into a COB gig replaced the "Ask Janne" thread as a sticky? Fucking lame.
lol wtf? Oh well Janne still hates this forum so he will never answer the questions:lol: And quite frankly im not even suprised...
you dont realize how long its been since i've visited COB on topic :p

I did, we were short of you and Mitch in both TAB thread and GP thread. Well, you did post som things, but way less than before, :lol:

On topic Janne stopped posting and removed the thread from Sticky (he or the Wedmaster when noticed Janne didn't post) and the Astoria thing went Sticky way before Ask Janne died, :lol: I supose it went Sticky because is a very odd gig: one European gig in London before they head to the USA and Australia, it's not the usual stuff, so I supose that's why it got sticky.
Mods are dorks

Mods are.....


I did, we were short of you and Mitch in both TAB thread and GP thread. Well, you did post som things, but way less than before, :lol:

On topic Janne stopped posting and removed the thread from Sticky (he or the Wedmaster when noticed Janne didn't post) and the Astoria thing went Sticky way before Ask Janne died, :lol: I supose it went Sticky because is a very odd gig: one European gig in London before they head to the USA and Australia, it's not the usual stuff, so I supose that's why it got sticky.

yeah mate, i've been real busy, but hopefully ill get to posting more