Something I've always wondered.....

hatecrewchick said:
what if one of the guys had lenses, lost it during a concert and tells everybody not to move cause he lost one of his lenses?

Like I said before: If you use the soft contact lenses that are avalible nowadays the chance of one falling out is like 0.001%. I've done everything from headbanging to rollercoasterriding with them and they've never fallen out. :rock:
Dardarian said:
Like I said before: If you use the soft contact lenses that are avalible nowadays the chance of one falling out is like 0.001%. I've done everything from headbanging to rollercoasterriding with them and they've never fallen out. :rock:

well there is a chance...:p even if it is 0.001% :p..that's not nothing:grin:

but i know it isn't possible for lensen to fall out that quick ...
hatecrewchick said:
well there is a chance...:p even if it is 0.001% :p..that's not nothing:grin:

but i know it isn't possible for lensen to fall out that quick ...

hey another dutchie! :wave:
And huggable too:P

*knuffel* ^_^