Moderation & Board Issues

Why was the thread I started "Should Eugenics Make People Superior to Yourself?" closed? It was VERY philosphical. This forum is being murdered.

I note that no explanation, even a lame one, was offered at the time it was closed. The reason was surely due to the subject matter offending the kind of liberal mind that finds truth too terrifying to contemplate.

it was closed? fuckin gay. that was about the only good thread I've seen in weeks.
Things are getting quite dead around here. There's really very little to comment on, and Im going whole months without a single post. I agree with OldScratch, that much discussion has drifted over to pedantic scholasticism. I dont know why this has happened, but it would be nice to seem some interesting threads.

when 'that's been said before' is grounds for deleting it, despite the fact some people have never seen such a thread before, things are bound to get a little dead

'the mind'---pff we've talked about that. closed
'plato'? old news! closed
'war'? please! closed
is it really so painful to just not comment on a thread which is old news to ya, rather than closing it down for everyone else?

could someone bump or link the eugenics threads for me, if they were around while I was around I guess the titles just gave me no clue as to their existence...
Justin, you know damn well you are well beyond the level of sophistication of nearly everyone on this Forum when it comes to philosophical acumen, education, etc.

word up! I mean, verily so...

it's a shame he doesn't care to apply it to anything here for the development of the regulars, so that we might one day squabble about Heidegger's use of one word or another. I'm sure his time is better spent elsewhere, but indeed, you'd think entirely so, and he would have not even stayed to express his disappointment, and found himself a salon by now :kickass:
There is no inherent reason to favour an active board over one that is inactive. We should seek to cultivate that which is engaging and thoughtful, not simply that which is prolific. Two considered posts per month are often "worth" more than five a day.

Speed's idea of further dividing the forum into "serious" philosophy vs. "life" philosophy doesn’t sit well with me. Philosophy is ALL thought. It is deeply ironic that one of the strongest proponents for the abolition of "studied" academic Philosophy - Justin - is ridiculed, through misunderstanding, as its chief advocate. I am not impressed by the cheap shots taken above.

In general not too much is wrong. Let's try and get some good discussions started. The experience of posting here is not supposed to be unpleasant. Don't be afraid to expose your ignorance or lack of knowledge. Don't be afraid to make fools of yourselves. I do so all the time :p
In general not too much is wrong. Let's try and get some good discussions started. The experience of posting here is not supposed to be unpleasant. Don't be afraid to expose your ignorance or lack of knowledge. Don't be afraid to make fools of yourselves. I do so all the time :p

Agreed completely! Wow, this got out of hand pretty fast. I was only suggesting a bit more...dare I say it...liberal approach in moderation, if for no other reason than the dearth of threads and subsequent discussion, etc. That was all...
If things begin to take a turn for the fully unproductive, obviously we can further tighten the reins or what have you...which may of course be necessary sooner than later scanning the board. But hopefully, this too shall pass...:Smug:
I think the reins should be slackened when there is clearly stuff all activity going on, particularly if the thread is actually garnering some attempt at philosophical discussion, however mundane / annoying it may be to some.

I don't really understand the apparently large desire to merge threads / not repeat stuff. It's not like we're here writing a philosophical encyclopaedia, just discussing. Forum posters come and go, there are new and changed ideas...
To clarify: When I speak of "redundancy" , I am not referring to recurrence of the matter or "topic" as such (not at all!), but the manner in which we undertake our questioning, the failure to take one's thought further.
To clarify: When I speak of "redundancy" , I am not referring to recurrence of the matter or "topic" as such (not at all!), but the manner in which we undertake our questioning, the failure to take one's thought further.

so, in admitting you see where thought can be taken further and do not post identifying it so that someone takes it further, you resolve what?... to have everyone post a detailed treatise of anything they want to talk about, to spare other people observing and not mentioning where their thought could be taken?...

dense trite monologues ftw?
Speed's idea of further dividing the forum into "serious" philosophy vs. "life" philosophy doesn’t sit well with me. Philosophy is ALL thought. It is deeply ironic that one of the strongest proponents for the abolition of "studied" academic Philosophy - Justin - is ridiculed, through misunderstanding, as its chief advocate. I am not impressed by the cheap shots taken above.

Just some ideas I threw out. I think our best threads are when all forms of philosophy in all levels of understanding are discussed.

Still, I have to say, its not easy or enjoyable to post here anymore when most of the posts are so damn involved, and full of academic jargon and Heidegger, etc. ITs fine if alot of posts are, but I truly think the board should be sort of fun and interesting. I know how ridiculous it is to say this, but really, I want to find the board enjoyable and not too serious, or it becomes dry.
Ugh...the kind of shit found above is what keeps me away from this forum.

The point here is to debate. I am not as narrow minded as you claim you are - and respond well to reasoned arguments. It's no use just describing someone's view as "shit". It suggests there is no reasoned argument .
I do typically discuss things that threaten to rip off people's comfort blankets and sometimes I may assume that is what I have done, when in fact it may not be.
Here's a random question: do I come across as arrogant?
A thread on the subject of these metaphorical comfort blankets would be somewhat new and interesting.
I think that thread subjects can reasonably be repeated after about a year because new people will make different comments. We are trying to help each other to think here. Teachers have to repeat themselves every year. It doesn't have to be boring. What we have to do is not just think about ourselves saying the same old stuff, but react to the other posters - which makes it more interesting.
For some of us, the second time around that a subject is discussed, we will have had a whole new awareness develop. Many ideas are like seeds and they grow in time. So when a similar thread is started again after a year (for eg) even those who discussed it formerly will have gained new insights.
Retrieving the old thread and adding to it is more boring than starting afresh.
^that's right i think. but it doesn't address what justin was saying.

anyway, i believe this is my last post here. i wish everyone well. take care.
Still, I have to say, its not easy or enjoyable to post here anymore when most of the posts are so damn involved, and full of academic jargon and Heidegger, etc. ITs fine if alot of posts are, but I truly think the board should be sort of fun and interesting.

That's interesting. I find, on the contrary, it's difficult to post here when most of the threads are uninvolved.

The filter of "Metalfandom" probably places too severe a tax on the current aspirations of this board. At present it lies enervated in that key discussions have been repeated several times with little evidence of understanding or consideration. I think that rejuvination will likely occur with the influx of new people.
That's interesting. I find, on the contrary, it's difficult to post here when most of the threads are uninvolved.

The filter of "Metalfandom" probably places too severe a tax on the current aspirations of this board. At present it lies enervated in that key discussions have been repeated several times with little evidence of understanding or consideration. I think that rejuvination will likely occur with the influx of new people.

Sometimes, I guess one just has to stop holding ones tongue.

I really think you're being arrogant and elitist with your comments here. No offense man, I think we're friends so dont get too pissed at me. If metalfanddom puts such a severe tax on holding an intelligent and engaging philosophical discussion, then why are you here? I think that's an absolutely ridiculous statement. I also think the moderators can be elitist, arrogant, and condescending, and entirely taken with "serious" philosophy--especially one of them. Even if threads are not closed, many are poking into these threads and posting ridiculously phrased and condenscending remarks about the validity of the statements and propositions of general ideas, etc.

Frankly, I think this board has totally lost its way, and like academic philosophy, has become pointless to all but a few. I know I no longer find it interesting to read any of the threads, as I'm confronted with either highly naive adolescent psuedo-fascism, or Heideggerian musings from academia. For a long time, this soup of subjects and posters--academics, teenagers, politics and economics, lonely melancholy neo-nazis, dilletantes, cultural questions, curious outsiders, and so on--made this is very lively place for discussion that has been replaced by idiocy, narrowmindedness, and arrogance. I must say I am no longer interested in posting, and am saddened it has come to this.

A wonderfuly quote from Rorty:

The professionalization of philosophy, its transformation into an academic discipline, was a necessary evil. But it has encouraged attempts to make philosophy into an autonomous quasiscience. These attempts should be resisted. The more philosophy interacts with other human activities—not just natural science, but art, literature, religion and politics as well—the more relevant to cultural politics it becomes, and thus the more useful. The more it strives for autonomy, the less attention it deserves.

And further:

I do not think that philosophy is ever going to be put on the secure path of science, nor that it is a good idea to try to put it there, I am content to see philosophy professors as practicing cultural politics. . . . I am quite willing to give up the goal of getting things right, and to substitute that of enlarging our repertoire of individual and cultural self-descriptions. The point of philosophy, on this view, is not to find out what anything is “really” like, but to help us grow up—to make us happier, freer, and more flexible.

I for one, think this is the reason for philosophy, and has been since its foundations in Ancient Greece.

Well, I had a fun few years here. I wish everyone well!
If Speed is leaving it really says how bad things have become on this forum. He makes very good points.

It would be a good idea for Oldscratch to become moderator together with whoever he (or common consent) feels should accompany him.
There is a brick wall of non-understanding dividing this forum and it is tiresome and frustrating.

When those with an apparently greater understanding only ever respond in a negative manner to those with the lesser, there would seem little scope for this to improve...

Some may arrive here with a highly developed capacity for rigorous philosophical posting, others will arrive highly ignorant, full of their own seemingly fantastic yet truly inane ideas. (You can look as far as me for that one :lol:) Most people have the capacity to improve, given a few nudges.

Come back Speed :waah: