"Modern" Metal Clip! (Mesa Boogie Mark IV)


May 25, 2005
I received a request from a froumite at the HC boards to do a song from the band Disturbed so I thought a I would share. I didn't use a boost at all on the guitars and thought it turned out pretty good. I never really listened to them until I recorded the clip.

There are a couple of mistakes seeing as how I just tried this out tonight for the first time. I might try to do the whole tune including an improvised lead.

What do you think of the guitar tone? I noticed that it sounds best if you turn it loud. I know the mix needs some help too. Either way, here it is:

http://www.netmusicians.org/files/89-Stricken (rough).mp3
Great tone. I'd have to agree with turning the guitars up, but that bass sound is great. What did you use for it (the bass)?
Great tone. I'd have to agree with turning the guitars up, but that bass sound is great. What did you use for it (the bass)?

A Yamaha bass into a Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI. Plugged directly into my mic preamp. Absolutely no mastering was done on the clip. The guitar tone is pretty much identical to what I was hearing in the room. The Mark IV records very easily.