Modern Metalcore Synths and Samples (TDWP, AA ..)

Aug 9, 2010
Hey guys,

I'm glad about finding this nice forum! :) Hope you can help me out...

I am pretty experienced in mixing modern metalcore bands but I suck when it comes to the need of VSTi synth or electronic samples. I tried a lot but everything sounds like 80's or Nintendo sounds. Never found some nice aggresive synths or string samples or something like that. What do you use for this? And what do you think, does our good friend joey sturgis use? ;) I love his electronic sounds on the new Attack Attack or TDWP releases.
I know he uses Kontakt, but where the hell do I get some nice sounds for is? ;D

Thanks a lot!
And sorry for my bad english. I'm german! ;)
I'm not sure what software you are using, but in Logic there are a ton of synths and the best way to learn about how they work was to watch a couple of vids on youtube and literally play around with the knobs on them to see what effect it has on the sound. takes a bit of getting used to, but you soon realise there isn't too much to it and it will help a lot in terms of getting the sounds you are after.
I rock reason and vanguard.
Always been pleased with the results they give me.

My favorite out of the two is Reason, just because it has everything that need.
Vanguard is much more dancey.
They have some awesome samples of vanguard, sold me straight away.
Hey thanks,

I use Nuendo 4. I had reason some years ago. Perhaps it was an older version than yours. It sounded nice but I was sick of this "rewire" function to connect it with Nuendo. I would prefer VST instruments...