Modern Rock Mesa Dual + Diezel Vh4 + Real Drums + awesome vocalist


Dec 7, 2008
just finished a mix for a band i recorded that im really really proud of.

this song is called insomnia and is not so much metal but more
modern rock (36 crazy fists meets stone sour...).


i tracked everything except the drums (nullzweistudios, hamburg),
but replaced the kit with 2 slate kicks and 3 slate snares layered on top of each other + the snare bottom mic was blended, to add some more realism.
i used drumtracker for midi conversion to have direct access to the kontakt player with slate platinum loaded.
i had a room mic that i blended in (locut 200 Hz),
overheads were locut at 300 Hz.

guitars were quad tracked >> 2 Diezel VH 4 Ch3 + 2 Mesa Dual Recto >>
Guitar Hack Impulses>> UAD SSL4K EQ +4@8K, -3@800 Hz, + 4@100 Hz.

Bass was Gearbox Patch that splatt88 created a while back, that i modded
to make the bass fit even better (sandberg bass, really really rattling sound)
heavily limited with UAD Limiter.
Vocals were AT4040 into Mindprint Envoice MK II.
this time, i used the TAL Tube Saturation for all Vocal Tracks (total of 20..)
which allowed me to mix the vocals not too loud and still have them cut through. Also used 1176 LN this time instead of my altime favorite LA2A.
vocals are compressed to death, there are some spots im not 100% satisfied,
where vocals almost exploded so i had to automate them down a little when he did the "pppp" sounds... but i think it works in the context

This Song has 120 Tracks and my Cubase almost exploded :)
i added tons and tons of samples, the whole production i'm very proud of because i managed to put a lot of stuff into the song that adds to the song, but you would only notice most of the times when i muted the stuff.

try find the strings, some synths, bass bombs, breaking glasses,
a thunderstorm, breakbeat samples that i extracted from the original drumset (there is a cool new feature in cubase 5 i used called beat designer!)

I pocketed everything on this track, took me about 3 fulldays, there was
some serious problems with the riff being not tight enough, and we were
running out of trackingtime...

--MIX SPECIALS-------------
im known for bass heavy tracks (im a big fan of tool, my attitude to mixing bass is more rock orientated - very in your face sounding, not just low end rumble) , but this time i figured out that small speaker systems couldnt handle the lows of this track too well, so i decided to mix way less 120 Hz than i usually do.


- How do you like the low end on this ? Does the bass sit nicely and does the track still sound fat to your ears and on your speakers?

- How do you like the overall production ?

- Do you think guitars sound cool for this type of music?

Further Comments, Questions, Criticism highly appreciated!

// And no : i cannot give you my pod settings... this is REAL AMPS!! :lol:
////NOTE : This is not mastered

Hey, nice track!
i'd say the bass is just a tad bit overpowering, but i'm fond of subtly bass heavy mixes.
Maybe bring it down a db or two, it still sits nicely though
Guitars sound pretty much perfect for the style, maybe a little more high end if i had to be picky.
Though the lead parts sound a little muffled.
Overall, it sounds awesome!
thanks mate!
yeah, i might come back mastering this +2 db at 3 k giving the vocals and the guitars a little more presence, i might lower the 120 hz 1-2 db when mastering.

thanks for taking the time dude!
Very nice!
I like the small details like the (reverse reverb?) snare panned left during the verse.
In the chorus I feel like there should be more depth to the vocals though. Like maybe even wider panning on the multi-tracked vocals (if they can go further). Apart from that it sounds wicked!
I like the mechanical feel of the background synth thing a lot.

The guitar tone works VERY well without a doubt, but I think they are way too thin compared to the bass. If the bass is huge on my headphones, it usually means it will destroy you on a hi-fi system. The bass needs to go down in volume a bit.

You always do an AMAZING job tracking vocals.

I'm not loving the toms, but the kick and snare sounds awesome.

Very nice!
I like the small details like the (reverse reverb?) snare panned left during the verse.
In the chorus I feel like there should be more depth to the vocals though. Like maybe even wider panning on the multi-tracked vocals (if they can go further). Apart from that it sounds wicked!

thanks mate!
yeah, there was room for my little gimmicks that i love so much about production :)
i had the singer clap in the verses, panned that hard left / right ->>
adds shitloads of dimension to this part, AND keeps the singer / band connected to the production even more, because he can say :
that was me, clapping in the verses (not a sample library :)

about the chorus :
yeah, i could do that, i will ask the band, if they feel it needs more depth there... though im glad they havent complained yet about anythign :)
still have to get the singers feedback though.
. The bass needs to go down in volume a bit.
You always do an AMAZING job tracking vocals.
I'm not loving the toms, but the kick and snare sounds awesome.

:worship: greg, i would have loved to have your reamp those tracks man,
but we went straight out of the diezel and made no di tracks...
i bought a splitter for that, but it only gave me humm humm sound :-(

i know, guitars are not as full sounding, i infact tried
to compensate that with my bass being a monster :)

GREG : i tested this on my car, on a small phillips with sub, headphones and of course my opals... no explosions or anything going on yet :)
what headphones do you use?
but if you say so : i'm scared :erk:
>> then i should definately think about lowering the bass.

thanks for the kind words about my vocal tracking work, hehe !
in the end, this is would might be the most important thing about music
production - tracking vocals... again a lot of the sound is coming from
this great singer, he was really fun to work with.

here is how i came up with all the vocal harmonies:
i tracked in cubase 5 -> with vari audio.
He sang his lead lines - i then copied the takes to a different track
and while he went outside smoking (i know, singers should never smoke while tracking, but, you know its rawk and roll... im not their mom:)
i pitched the lead vocal track to a harmony ->
when he came back into the room he listened to it 2 times
and gave me the harmony track with his real voice, which 9 times out of 10
sounds way better than just vari audio... its not always like that.
there are many singers that i cannot communicate with results
im happy with. might be that a lot of them have no formal training (but again its rawkand roll, who needs that stuff :)
Sound really pro, congrats!!!
I really love all small details you put on the mix. Not a big fan about guitar sound (Diezel isn't for me) but deserve the mix very well imo.
Danny, don't get me wrong, I happen to REALLY the guitar tone; it has a nice sheen to it and it's very crunchy on the mutes. It's by FAR one of the best tones I've heard with impulses, but it's lacking a bit of fullness.
Very pro mix. For the bass is fine too, but i'm total deaf and stoned now, becouse we had today a band rehersal.:)
Everything is fine!
hehe, you guys are too nice to me ;-)
greg : yeah, the lack of fullness... i tried layering impulses but it almost never really gives me clarity in my sound.
if i compare expensive diezels and mesas into impulses with the line 6 treadplate / diamonplate / diezel SIMULATIONS into impulses,
the line 6 stuff wins to me... this is because the preamps are a little cloudy, as they were never made for this way of recording.

impulses lack punch AND clarity, i tried eqing with curve eq and all and spent days and weeks tweaking this stuff.
but in the end real amps and even gearbox/podfarm get me way closer to a great guitartone.
also tried the nebula stuff, was cool too, but its just never really what i need.

@ all : thanks for calling my mixes "pro" sounding :) i love to hear that,hehe!
Wow dude.
Awesome mix.
I always like massive bass :D
Awesome vocalist - reminds me ALOT of Mike Patton.
Very very cool.
man, thanks dude! :)
yeah i love massive bass toooo ;-)

Patton is god to me!
thats really cool, i think the guy will love that comparison!