Modern rock with metal influences


Like a boss
Aug 11, 2009
Louisville, KY
So I'm getting out of the recording game for a while. Too busy with school and work. :( Here's my last project for now.

It's a 5 song EP. Band's called Divided We Fall from Louisville, KY. Influences are Tool, Killswitch, stuff like that. Older guys like me haha.

This is revision 1.5 so I'm willing to take feedback.

Some details about the session.

Tracked/mixed/edited/ghetto mastered in Logic 9.
Kick and snare are Slate. Kick is 6, Snare is a blend of Dream and Black.
Toms and cymbals are real. Used two overheads and a Beta 52 under the floor toms (weird setup, but sounds huge imo). No close mics.
Kit was a high end Pearl.
Dirty amps are Podfarm, clean amps are Logic's stock amp sim. I wanted to do a real reamp but ran out of time and Joey didn't mail his damn reamp box in time!!!! (Jk man, still love you)
Guitars were a single coil strat and a dual humbucker strat.
Bass is mostly a GK head through a Mesa 4x12 Bass cab (sweet!) mic'd with a 52 and 57 blended. Random parts are the DI with an Ampeg sim. He had a Wahl bass that was pretty gnarly as well. (look it up)
Vocal mic was an SM7B into a Funk logic RNP/RNC combo rack. Singer hardly needed any tuning, real natural performer.
Mostly stock Logic reverbs/delays/compressors.
Self mastered with Ozone (cheater!)

Any other questions, just ask.

Believe Me- most radioesque song

Someone Else's Mirror- most atmospheric song

Fire- a little heavier, lots of double bass and riffage

The Urge- the other heavier track, a few squeals here and there!

Dead Fret- epic end of cd type song. the only screaming on the album are in this song (courtesy of my old bands screamer/singer Clay)