Monitor buzzing/humming

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
I have recently set up my HS80s at my desk after moving to a new place, and I get this weird humming whenever they are on. Some things seem to decrease it, like for instance I now have them both on completely separe outlets that aren't connected to anything else (having them bunched together with the comp etc caused buzzing) and I put my Inspire interface on it's own power supply, instead of using the computers through FW. Still it gives me a slight high pitched buzzing that annoys the shit out of me.

Any ideas? New audio cables? New power cables? Sacrifices to ancient gods?

Is that the back? If so, it's an unbalanced connection and can cause hum especially if there's a ground loop. Really the best thing is to buy an interface with balance, XLR or TRS connections and plug everything used in the system into the same outlet. Def sounds like a ground loop to me.
Intel processor? Windows machine? Does it go away when you're doing CPU-heavy tasks? Disable all the power saving shit in the BIOS.

If it's a noise coming from the speakers themselves, no ideas beyond what Terminus said.
Terminus: Yeah that's it, and I suspected something like that. Well at least it gives me an excuse to ditch this shit once and for all :p

Empathy: No, it's the speakers themselves. CPU usage has no effect on it.

I have however used this setup for years in other apartments etc and just recently got this problem. Any thoughts on why it didn't happen before?
i have the same thing. but, have you tried removing the cable of the speakers? for me there is a slight buzzing even with no audio cable connected. just pure monitor on its own. it has to do with electricity. in the studio you have buzzing if the lights dimmer arent maxed! or if you turn certain lights on etc
Terminus: Yeah that's it, and I suspected something like that. Well at least it gives me an excuse to ditch this shit once and for all :p

Empathy: No, it's the speakers themselves. CPU usage has no effect on it.

I have however used this setup for years in other apartments etc and just recently got this problem. Any thoughts on why it didn't happen before?

Based on my own experiences it could be older wiring that's not shielded well or dirty power perhaps. I lived in a duplex that was built in the early 70's and when I had the RCA unbalanced cables running from the interface to the monitors, shit would hum like crazy and pop when the light was turned on or off, I hated it. Once I got a new interface with balanced connectors and cabling it was pretty much gone, and then I moved to a newer house and now it's completely gone thank satan.
Is the buzz still there when you disconnect the interface? or only when it is connected to the computer?

You could try: putting everything on a power conditioner, ground lifting the computer with one of those 99 cent plugs from a hardware store, ground lifting the monitors themselves.

As someone has already said all your equipment should be on the same circuit.