Monitors choice FOR TRACKING ONLY !!!!!!


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007

we finished recording with my band few months ago. I was "working" with a firepod-samson resolv40a set-up cheapo-cheap ass solution. Anyway, I had some fun and the result is cool, so I think I am gonna continue produce the band. But I need "big-tim"e equiment now.

I am looking for good monitors for TRACKING ONLY. As the mix will be handled by somebody more experienced.

I heard nice stuff about Yahama HS50/80. Maybe the 50 watts is enough to track ??!!

I would like a "almost-pro" result this time. I'll go with a digi 003+8 good preamps solution, RME, focusrite, whatever.

What kind of monitors would be worth the investment ??!! Talking to you guys having 2 control rooms, maybe one for tracking and the other for tracking and mixing. Well, you got it.

NOTE : I used the search fonction and read a lot. The thing is that I don't mix and I am still cheap (well, I am not a cheap bitch, you bastards). So I don't wanna invest more than necessary.
I can't really answer your question but I have a pair of those yamahas that should arrive at my doorstep (hopefully in one piece) today and I'm excited as shit :kickass:
Yamaha HS50's, price is good and quality is amazing. Great all round monitors, I use mine for all sorts of different things (I didn't need/want them when I got them, Yamaha sent them to me and I just happened to love them).
fucking musicians friend screwed me yet again. I ordered the monitors wednesday with over night shipping. Yesterday I get the free gift (a plastic piece of shit clock) but no monitors. They haven't even left the warehouse yet... fucktards. Or maybe I'm the fucktard for ordering from the again.
I would suggest you look at the M-Audio BX8a or BX5a sets. If its only for tracking, these monitors are a great value for price. In fact, for mixing I'd even suggest the BX8a's, I use the 5a's right now and am very happy with them, the only problem I've noticed is that the guitars seem to translate very high when I put a song on a lesser quality consumer system (eg: truck stereo). Kazrog from the board just got the 8a's after hearing my 5's and he is apparently happy, though I haven't heard them.

fucking musicians friend screwed me yet again. I ordered the monitors wednesday with over night shipping. Yesterday I get the free gift (a plastic piece of shit clock) but no monitors. They haven't even left the warehouse yet... fucktards. Or maybe I'm the fucktard for ordering from the again.

I've only ever had one problem with them, twice. They shipped the wrong color bass two consecutive times. But in the end I got a custom ESP hardshell case for free, and free O/N shipping. Great customer service if you just call and complain.