Monochromatic stains

Ah yes... harkening back to the days of yore... definitely some throwbacks to gallery and mind's i , but thoroughly havenized. All in all, good stuff.

And phyre, when would you pin the turning point of IF at?.... I think Clayman definitely shows a downward spiral, but Colony wasn't all that bad...
I broke down and got it too, I like what I am hearing and also seeing on the video, someone mentioned it looked like a Smashing Pumpkings video and I would have to agree, not that thats a bad thing, too bad their music isn't nearly as good as DT's :D
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Im not watching the final version of the video until someone makes a windows format of it.

Me neither, .mov's are annoying, shitty format for people who don't know how to use a real computer.
@Kovenant: I know he is, i just don't see why, maybe he wanted to see who would notice first? :loco:
Originally posted by At The Gates

Quicktime is a great format.

To you maybe, but I am all for standards in computing and I am sorry to tell you but Quicktime is not a standard in anything but Apple crap.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
To you maybe, but I am all for standards in computing and I am sorry to tell you but Quicktime is not a standard in anything but Apple crap.

I don't know what you like to call crap but it feels good to use a computer that hasn't crashed one time since I installed the latest Apple Crap™ OS six months ago, and the computer is on 24/7. UNIX rules. I get all the free GNU apps from the Linux world and "PC" apps like Office, Explorer, Dreamweaver, Photoshop etc.

BTW, if you like standards you should try to write valid html. It's not hard, really.

If you don't like QT thats one thing, but don't try to start a OS war, I get scary 1995 flashbacks and that makes me angry!! :rolleyes: :p :)

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Me neither, .mov's are annoying, shitty format for people who don't know how to use a real computer.

Oh yeah, so I guess you know how use SSH, Telnet and set up a MySQL server in the Windows terminal , and all that is installed directly in Windows? Not? Mac OS is more than colorful icons.

Puss på dig :)