Montreal Show Review


Jun 1, 2002
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This was by far the best show I have seen in a long time in Montreal and believe me I've been to many shows and nothing has ever come close to this display of power, precision, and intensity!!

I missed the first two openers (Torn Within and Camilla Rhodes) but made it on time for the other opening bands.

GRAVE: I really enjoyed this band and they played a solid set. I'd check them out if they ever came back. They have some cool crunching riffs!

Dismember: The crowd really digged this band and they ended the night with Dreaming In Red, which is one of their classics.

Brutal Truth: HOLY Fucking Shit!!! Words cannot describe how brutal and fast this band is unless you seem them live. Looking at the drummer from up close, I taught he was going to have a seisure or a nerve in his brain was going to explode. The singer continously banded the microphone across is head and I believe at a certain point he was actually bleeding from his forehead. They played a solid 45 minutes but it seemed like the crowd had mixed opinions about this band. Either you love them or you hate them!

TESTAMENT: When Testament arrived on stage the place was packed in solid and it was fuckin loud like hell. The band had so much energy and they were full of smiles. The pit was large and insane and I got caught in it for most of their set. People in Montreal are saying that it was the show of the year here but I'd say it was the show of the decade. I don't have one complaint from this show and I'd pay anything to see it again. Chuck said that they had hidden video cameras and that they were planning to release something from this show in the near future. I can't wait to get my hands on it! The Set list was as follows in no particular order:

Eerie Inhabitants
The New Order
The Haunting
Electric Crown
Three Days in Darkness
True Believer
Practice What you Preach
Into The Pit
The Legacy
Trial By Fire
Over The Wall
Alone In The Dark
The Preacher
Disciples of the Watch

Fuckin awesome!!!

Yup, I was there as well...drove from NY to check out the 6th time seeing the band...1-San Diego, 2-Tujuana, 3-Honolulu, 4 Honolulu, 5- NYC, 6- Montreal...all concerts have kicked ass!!! the 1st one was by far the best as they didn't have any ballads back in 1988 the 1st time I saw them...they didn't play ballads in NYC or Honolulu....

the bass player was saying after the show, that when they played DNR it was there first time playing it. The original band that went well for that song.
well, thats what Gregg said to the few folks standing around him listening...
Oh man i was there too of course!!! Holy shit!! There was something about this show man....they kicked alot more ass this time , wow!

As for Dissmember, i personaly didnt like em, i dunno....only thing i liked was when the two guitarist did some cool harmonies together, that was sweet, but other then that i didnt get into it.

Brutal Truth i didnt like either. Yeah it was fast as fuck but i was retarded to me. Was just noise really. There's so much to metal, i dunno i guess i'm very picky on my bands. The bassist needs a haircut,....or chop a few layers, lol, and the singer to stop doin drugs. Anyhow...

But! Me and my bro were expecting The Preacher as usual for the opener, but Eerie was definatly unexpected. It was sick! Then DNR later on?!?!?!?! Holy fuck it was soo brutal! Oh man...what a killer song. Three days also was pretty sick. Took a water break during True Believer cuz we were beat after Three days hahaha. Into The Pit was crazy once more. The Legacy came in a good time cuz i was exhausted so it was good to catch a breath after Into The Pit.
I'm gonna be honest i never really understood why The Haunted and Trial By Fire were so popular.....i dont mind those songs but, i'd rather hear more impact songs like First Strike Is Deadly, or Apocalyptic City, or COTLOD, or Legions Of The Dead, or Sins Of Omission, etc...but anyways...
Over The Wall was nuts as usual. During the solo i stopped thrashing and went in front of Alex for the solo and we were like 3-4 guys doin the THAT >>> :notworthyto Skolnick haha fucking awesome.

Then they came back with The Preacher and WOW that one totally kicked my ass it was so much more brutal then the other 3 times i've heard it live, FUCK! lol
Alone In The Dark was awesome. That sing part trying to beat Toronto was cool too. I really wonder though if we really beat them or he just says that cuz its the right thing to say, lol. But it was cool, and Disciples, well, of course they had to finish with that one. Was absolutly great, i was doin the cross thing just like Chuck haha.

I do hope aswell that something will come out from what they filmed all concert. Hell i want the whole damn thing!

I did too see Greg and Jon outside the Medley but i didnt have any cameras or anything, so we didnt do anything, but we waited a bit for Chuck and Eric but we had to get going....too bad, i wanted to show them my tshirt from the Dynamo in 05. And tell Chuck i was there for the TOTT in 01 too....ah time hopefully.
Actually, the bassist from Brutal Thruth is Dan Lilker. He played in S.O.D and Nuclear Assault(among ohters). I was glad to see him play, but I really didn't like their music. I was kinda like a put to the extreme version of S.O.D minus the fun and humour and it did nothing for me.

Testament were awsome as always, but I tought the pit was lame for a Montreal crowd. Usually the pits are wild. I guess people were too busy listening to Skolnick to mosh :rock:
i saw them sunday at the Crazy Donkey in NY. That was my first time seeing them and it was awsome, one of the best shows i have ever been at. The crowd was so pumped and it was just a great night. I really hope they come around here again.
back in 1988, they played Raging Waters, C.O.T.L.O.D., First Strike is Deadly, and Apocalyptic City...Why? Cause they had only 2 albums when I saw them...It was a kick ass concert seeing them w/ DEATH ANGEL and VIO-LENCE...

no fawkin' ballads...thank god...
Wow. must have been quite a show.

But I don't mind the ballads. Obviously they don't go well with bands like Vio-lence, but the legacy, for exemple, is one of my favorite Testament songs.
Me too it was one of my all-time favorite show (and I have seen a whole lot...).

I was in front of Scolnick all the time, it was so awesome!!! I was on the barriers all the show, it was pretty cool :rock: .

Torn Within: I found them OK for an opener, pretty entertaining.

Camilia Rhodes: Man... I found those very boring, I don't like those hardcore-type bands... But I did like some of the guitar riffs (like the tapping riff). And I found it pretty funny when the left stage guitarist kept trying to kick the other members...

Grave: AHHH!!! Some music at least! I didn't know them much before the show, but I loved their prestation. Too bad the sound fucked during some parts of their show.

Dismember: I didn't like the group before the show, but ... It was a hell of a show, very crowd frendly, they made me appreciate their music. (Especially their way of bowing... :kickass: ).

Brutal Truth: I found them borin as hell... Some songs were good, be their 45 min. felt like it was 2h... It was too long for me. The drummer was entertaining though... :zombie: ... Hehe.

Testament: Oh my god... It was crazy!!! Great setlist, great crowd, great show. I was supposed to go easy with my voice since I was doing an interview the day after... But I couldn't resist.... :Saint: Testament IS my favorite Thrash Metal band and are one of my biggest influences on my guitar playing.

The prestation was not flawless but it as intense as hell!!! The band members seemed happy to be back together and to be playing for Montreal's great crowd.

The setlist was pretty good for me. The Gathering's songs were awesome, DNR and True Believer killed!! Practice What You Preach was killer too (I even had the chance to scream a PREACH in the mic :kickass: ). I almost cried during The Legacy, one of my favorite song... Alone In The Dark was crazy with the sing-along...

I just missed Sins Of Omission, Souls Of Black and Low (since Eric said they were going to play it), but I won't complain since it was an awesome show!

2 Questions:

- Do you know if it's gonna be an official bootleg or an official DVD? (I think it is probably gonna be an official bootleg since it was not professionnal cameras and they just filmed another a year ago...)

- I saw glimpse of the setlist on the stage, some songs were scratched, anyone knows what were those songs?
fuck,that setlist is orgasmic.Alex playing James' songs...anyway,I wonder how was Low skipped since I read the interview with Eric on,and he said they will put it plus it's Chuck's favorite song.anyway,in spring/summer we will have a new album,and the drummer will be Nicholas Barker,it seems.

edit:I wish I would have seen the pit during Into the Pit.I get wet thinking of it.
Testament is one of the best live bands I have ever seen irrespective of the Metal style being played. Excellent sound and killer precision. Other supposedly brutal bands (which usually is just noise live) need to learn from Testament how to play live.
blind_cynic said:
edit:I wish I would have seen the pit during Into the Pit.I get wet thinking of it.

Actually, it wasn't as big I one would think. It was pretty wild at first but the crowd got tired pretty fast.

I think the biggest pit I saw at the Medley was during Kreator's Betrayor. Pretty insane:rock: