Moonsorrow/Woods Of Ypres - January 15th, 2007


New poster.

for those wondering with 11 days out advance tickets aren't going to work, capacity for the place is 350 however, no one will have a problem getting in.

That is a killer poster! :rock:
Triskele have dropped off the show due to illness, here are the set times:

Profugus Mortis - 9 - 9:45
Woods Of Ypres - 10 - 10:45
Moonsorrow - 11 - END

That's pretty late. I'll be driving from Detroit, probably the same day since the first band won't go on until 9pm. Was planning to come Sunday and stay the night before but screw that now.

I'm supposed to be driving up with someone but I haven't heard from him in a while so I don't know if he's coming anymore or not. If you see a guy with a Windir shirt on and a patch of hair on the chin, that's me, come say hi if you feel like chatting about metal since I'll probably be alone. :u-huh:
Awwww crap. I'd go just for Woods, I really would, but I do want to see Moonsorrow as well of course. And there's school the day after too. :( Ouch. If you started at 8, that would be swell.
Damn, I'm really jealous of those going! Moonsorrow/Woods should be a fantastic show. Both bands need to play the west coast.....SOON!
Looking forward to this show for sure. Toronto is being invaded by the viking hordes this weekend. First Enslaved on Saturday and then Moonsorrow and Woods on monday.:kickass: :rock:

This would be a great show to record a bootleg video of.
Nah, doors are at 8, first band takes the stage at 9 pm.

sometime this weekend it'll hit me that we're all gonna see Moonsorrow... it hasn't hit me yet haha.
thanks for letting me know it's at 8.

and yeah, i haven't fully realized that i'm going to be seeing Moonsorrow on Monday in front of at most 350 people. it's still $20??

and Dave that vague setlist you eluded to sounds most promising! i just hope "Sea of Immesurable Loss" is on it!!