Moral and Scientific Progress

Do you serve the planet, or do you serve man? One would think you'd serve the planet to the point of assuring mans survival and not the planet for the sake of itself.

Remember, nature has no moral compass, it does not consider the moral ramificaitons of it's actions. It is inherently purposeless, aimless, mindless, and as humans, being quite literally the "hands of nature", we are therefore held to no higher standard or obligation. Extinction, like war and violence and death, are processes in nature that will occur regardless.

Mankind is in a battle against nature for it's survival.
speed said:
The question becomes, can mankind make some advances in regards to morality/ethics, or, will we continue down our present path?

Not as long as we seek one standard for all nations, and we try to make it compatible with capitalism and respecting even stupid opinions.