Moral issue


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2014
Hi I am new to this forum. I have started listening to black metal and have read a few books about various bands. I am sure this has been discussed before, but I want to listen to graveland, burzum etc but my brain is also telling me that I can't due to them being racist. I feel wrong giving them money, but yet I really want to give their albums a listen.

How does everyone approach this issue of morals
Focus on the music, ignore the rest. Plus do you think giving Varg money is going to further some sort of agenda? He's a bag of hot air that writes good songs...
Burzum and Graveland, to the best of my knowledge, have never really explicitly used their music as vehicles for their racism.

Download or buy second hand.
Download or buy second hand.


But beyond that, is that really the battle you want to fight with your dollar? You probably buy clothes made by little kids in sweatshops and buy phones and computers made with metals gained through what is essentially slave labor. If you're like most people, you don't think twice about the actions that produced your products. However, if a few good musicians have some stupid ideas you stress about where you're money is going. Just some food for thought...