Morbid Angel vs. Entombed

I prefer Swedish death metal over Florida death metal so I'll go with Entombed. I actually like both the death metal Entombed and the later day death 'n roll one. A lot of people seem to hate all albums after Clandestine. 's a shame I think. Also L.G. Petrov is a great vocalist.

But Morbid Angel is great too. So um... yeah. Whatever. Why do we keep having these comparison topics! They're dumb.
I prefer Swedish death metal over Florida death metal so I'll go with Entombed. I actually like both the death metal Entombed and the later day death 'n roll one. A lot of people seem to hate all albums after Clandestine. 's a shame I think. Also L.G. Petrov is a great vocalist.

But Morbid Angel is great too. So um... yeah. Whatever. Why do we keep having these comparison topics! They're dumb.

Wierd, I agree with most of what you said here.
Morbid Angel is clearly superior when it comes to the technical quality of their music. They are also the more important band concerning the evolution of death metal. But I also like Entombed, the first two albums were full of that great grooving swedish stuff.
this is true, speaking of Entombed does anyone else like Clandestine more than Left Hand Path?
altars of madness= awesome

Pete Sandoval said they would be working on a new masterpiece in 2007, so we should be getting some new Angel in the future.Hmm... That would make them on the letter "I" now i believe.
lol it still astonishes me how little people know about NFU on a forum that's littered with complaints and whining in his direction

edit: actually I guess it just astonishes me how little people here know about anything
Morbid Angel took Slayer and deathed it up. Technical, great, unbeatable guitar and drum action but gets dull fast, somehow. Too many "absu" and words ending in "-oth"... , maybe...

I vote Entombed. A far more enjoyable listen. They don't take it too seriously. LG is about my favourite "extreme" vocalist. They've not been the same since Nicke Andersson left, though.

I picked up Andersson's "Death Breath" album last night and it makes me smile from ear to ear.