While I feel tempted to write a scathing reply toward your misplaced and frankly irrelevant remark IAPT, I feel that would be unnecessary. However I would just like to say that Bjork has proven to be a nutcase and therefore I have hesitated to listen to her work, also I am not interested in her music, and I DON'T LISTEN TO A MUSICIAN JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE POPULAR OR GET GOOD REVIEWS ON THE FUCKING OPETH BOARD! Stfu!!!!1111111111111111111111
I would just like to say that Bjork has proven to be a nutcase
Entombed > Morbid Angel in instrumentation and vocalist skills.
Well that's what I thought at first, but he seems rather different this time around after spending so much time in that other band... whatever it was.they will sound like before? I think thats pretty logical.
While I feel tempted to write a scathing reply toward your misplaced and frankly irrelevant remark IAPT, I feel that would be unnecessary. However I would just like to say that Bjork has proven to be a nutcase and therefore I have hesitated to listen to her work, also I am not interested in her music, and I DON'T LISTEN TO A MUSICIAN JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE POPULAR OR GET GOOD REVIEWS ON THE FUCKING OPETH BOARD! Stfu!!!!1111111111111111111111
lol you are so fucking ridiculous, what you don't know is that i bought Vespertine, long before i ever heard about Opeth or this board you imbecile, iirc i recommended the goddamn album many times before, and if you check the now playing thread you will see that i actually have been listening to her...and besides i've never seen too much Bjork praise here before, her music is great and that is why i like it, not because people in this forum love her, for example, i happen to despise Mars Volta and Janis Joplin and they get a lot of respect in this forum, so learn to deal with your ignorance and stop embarassing yourself with your poor arguments. You are seriouly irritating.
the genitorturersWell that's what I thought at first, but he seems rather different this time around after spending so much time in that other band... whatever it was.
What bands would you consider that did Entombed style better tahn Enotmbed????Morbid Angel, and it's not even close. There were 5 or 6 bands that did Entombed's style far better than they did (and, in truth, their real contribution was made before they ever became 'Entombed' or even sniffed a record deal), but Blessed are the Sick remains one of the touchstones of the genre.