More bullshit happening at concerts


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
This happened at the Corrosion of Conformity/Crowbar show. Goddammit:mad: :( :mad: :mad: :bah: :confused:

TAMPA - Four people were stabbed - one of them fatally - during a brawl Thursday night inside The Masquerade, a night club on Seventh Avenue, police said.

Tampa Police Spokesman Joe Durkin said a "shoving match" started between two women on the club's dance floor just before 11:30 p.m. The tussle escalated when others tried to break the women apart. That's when a bald man with a knife began stabbing patrons, Durkin said.

Then people fled the club, Durkin said, the suspect included.

Of the surviving victims, one was in critical condition at the hospital this morning, one was in fair condition and one was treated for minor injuries and released, according to police.

Durkin would not release the name of the deceased until next of kin is notified.

Police detained at least three people and hauled them from the club in handcuffs this morning, but Durkin said police were still looking for the suspect. He's described as white, about 28 to 30 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 150 pounds, with tattoos. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Tampa Police Department at 813-231-6130 or CrimeStoppers at (800) 873-8477.
JohnThrax said:
i saw it. its all fucked up. there needs to be metal detectors at shows. pat downs dont always work

Absolutely...When I went to see this tour and plenty of other shows, it seems as if security has gotten more lax lately:erk: . So many venues that I have been to since Dec. 8th have not even patted me down or even had metal detectors for that matter. With so many fuckheads out there, I don't mind waiting a little longer in line if it is going to ensure my safety...

Do you mean you were there? Or is there some video of it?
What is the fucking deal with metal shows in the U.S.???????????????
I've NEVER seen anything above a stupid skirmish at shows here in Europe.
A tussle at best!!!!

But bringing fucking weapons to shows?????
One bright side to this - CoC wasn't even named in the story, which means that the media isn't trying to assign any of the blame to either the band or the whole scene. News media tend to have knee-jerk reactions to stories like this.
Crabmeat said:
What is the fucking deal with metal shows in the U.S.???????????????
I've NEVER seen anything above a stupid skirmish at shows here in Europe.
A tussle at best!!!!

But bringing fucking weapons to shows?????

We like to kill each other? :err:

Joking aside, I wish I had an answer to this. How the fuck can people have a good time at a show if some asshole is whippin' out weapons?

Seriously, it's time for us all to RELAX. There's nothing that bad in life that should make people want to kill others like this...
I once saw two meatheads duking it out in the front rows at the end of a Heart concert in 1990. Now THERE's music that will drive you to violence - or to at least down a shipping carton of Moon Pies. (Insert your own Ann Wilson joke here.)
JohnThrax said:
i saw it. its all fucked up. there needs to be metal detectors at shows. pat downs dont always work
I agree.
Actually, there needs to be metal detectors when anyone leaves their home.
Yes I'm serious.
People are weak. Any faggot who needs a gun or a knife is pathetic. The best thing that person can do for himself and the rest of society is use that weapon on themself.

"Guns are for the weak" H. Rollins
That's fucked up especially seeing as the guy was less than 11 stone and a fucking short arse.

I don't think there's anything that promoters can do, it'd be too difficult and expensive to search every patron thoroughly and the like.

After the Dime thing, I remember having huge arguments with Americans about gun laws in America and the conclusion I came to was that America is basically fucked. Guns are too plentiful and easy to obtain as are knives here. Harder to kill someone with a knife than it is with a gun though...
ABC Action News is reporting that at last night's CORROSION OF CONFORMITY there was a fight that resulted in the stabbing of four people, one of which was fatally wounded. The attack occured in a mosh-pit at Tampa's The Masquerade, where C.O.C. and CROWBAR were performing.

i have tickets to the show monday in nashville. maybe i'll stand near the back.
when i went to see danzig in chicago a few months back at the house of blues we got patted down, emptied our pockets , got hit with the metal detector wand, girls where dumping out there purses, all that shit. i didn't mind waiting the extra time to be safe from these assholes. when i went to see stuck mojo a few weeks ago in atlanta at the masquerade i didn't even get padded down i just walked right in. i didn't know if it's the difference between the north and south or if security just suddenly got laxed. i've never been afraid to go see a show no matter how psycho the band or their fans were but this shits gotten way out of hand.
DiscipleOfThePit wrote:
Harder to kill someone with a knife than it is with a gun though...
hmmm. this guy did it no problem. all though if he had a gun he may have killed more people . it's not the gun that's the problem it's the person holding it. i agree they are easy to get here in the usa but it's one of our freedoms (that unfortunatley gets abused).
karrokid said:
it's not the gun that's the problem it's the person holding it.

Hmm, I'd have said the problem is that that person was allowed to hold a gun or, in this case, knife i.e. perhaps people should only be allowed to purchase guns if they pass a psychiatric (sp??) assessment.

Brits don't actually have any Rights (apart from Human Rights) so I guess it would be ok to prevent certain people from buying knives/guns here.

Constitutionally certified freedom is a total farse.
That sucks. Ive witnessed a stabbing at The Ritz on 54th St in NYC.

It was back around 1990. It was - The Exploited headlining w/ Type O Negative, Biohazard and either DOA or DBC

WHen Exploited came on, all hell broke loose. Tons of fights and the singer even edged on the crowd to get crazier and fuck this, fuck that.

A beer cup hit some skinhead and he turned around and attacked this black guy behind him..for no reason. The black dude to sliced a few times and stabbed in the back. Exploited kept playing and a few people got dragged out. After the show was done there were a bunch of cops all over and several ambulances.


Just the other week a small venu in Las Vegas got shut down

Roadhouse Casino -

Normally it's a small place for Hardcore/Punk, some Thrash/Death for all ages. They had some Rap artists and gunshots..etc

This is like the 3-4 All Age Venu that has moved in Vegas in the last 2-3 years.
Knives, Guns, Pillow Cases full of Bricks, It doesn't matter.

The problem is the way people are brought up. I'm sure the asshole's parents didn't do their job. He was probably abused by his father or something. Then decided to bring a knife to a concert.........

PS- I own a gun. I've had it for over a decade and I haven't murdered a single living creature. Does owning a gun make me a threat to society...??? Nope. My parents raised me right.