More Falkenbach love, any twin sisters out there?


Oct 30, 2001
Yes yes all 3 albums are wonderful and just recently started listening to them again. What i wanna know if there's anything else out there like them. The first Raventhrone has some elements of Falkenbach to it but i have had no luck coming across anything else along the same lines. Suggestions? or am i shit outta luck?
ahh not a Bathory fan, seeing as how i grew up in that time period i know it may sounds strange but oh well... i'll give Graveland and Hades a shot, Moonsorrow i've heard once i think and didn't come across as Falkenbach-ish but i will try again :D Thanks!

Edit: any particular releases by these guys that best represents what i'm looking for?
Hades - Dawn of the Dying Sun
Graveland - Creed of Iron
Moonsorrow - Voimasta...

No band really sounds similar to Falkenbach except Bathory, so you might be SOL. If it's the clean vocals you're after, prepare to be disappointed, 'cause no one pulls it off as well as Falkenbach.
Dark Chapter said:
Yes yes all 3 albums are wonderful and just recently started listening to them again. What i wanna know if there's anything else out there like them.
Thing is, all three Falkenbach albums are relatively different. All the usual suspects have already been mentioned here, however, I bet you would love Summoning. They're kinda like Falkenbach set to the themes of Middle-Earth. :D

Try "Stronghold", "Dol Guldur", "Minas Morgul", or "Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame". (In that order).
You should try Nachtfalke, they're not as melodic and folky as Falkenbach but they have a similar epic midtempo focus (at least on the later stuff). You might also like Minas Morgul (the folk-Black Metal band from Germany, not the Summoning album ;))
excellent, thanks guys.. i'll d/l some songs from each of those bands and hopefully stumble across something i like even if it's not similar... If none of you have heard Raventhrone d/l the song Obsidian Horizon. You won't be disappointed:Spin:
I used t own both Raventhrone albums. The first one was the best, but neither impressed me all the way through. Each had about 4 songs that were great, the rest was filler. If you like Raventhrone, you might like Ray Wells' other band, Pazuzu, which is strictly keyboards and vocals. It's actually pretty creepy and haunting stuff, but stick to the first two releases.
You might also like Primordial's more epic moments. Excellent clean vocals, epic guitars, et al. But whereas Falkenbach s more viking themed, Primordial are more Pagan.
Dark Chapter said:
Yes yes all 3 albums are wonderful and just recently started listening to them again. What i wanna know if there's anything else out there like them. The first Raventhrone has some elements of Falkenbach to it but i have had no luck coming across anything else along the same lines. Suggestions? or am i shit outta luck?

i think you should try morrigan - enter the sea of flames. they're a bit more black oriented but still epic and pretty similar