more goodies from the Swanö wardrobe

gar977 said:
What I really dont get is.. How can anyone listen to Dark Tranquillity? They put out the same junk over and over. Its insane! They showed variation in one album and that was it?!

DT fans (myself included) are like battered wives. We're nostalgic for those first couple of albums, projecting what we heard in The Gallery and Mind's Eye into their newer stuff. Songs like Final Resistance give us hope, but in the end, we keep coming back for more even though song distinction distinction in DT's discography has disappeared to the point where they're lacking album distinction. I mean, really, can you tell the difference when you're listening to Character and Damage Done? I certaintly fucking can't.

At least you're not a Samael fan. Passage is one of my favorite albums EVER. Then Samael got stuck in mid 1990s techno, and fuck me, I've bought every single shitty, pathetic pile of vomit they've released since. INCLUDING Into the Light and Era One.

/sobs uncontrollably
Naglfar said:
DT fans (myself included) are like battered wives. We're nostalgic for those first couple of albums, projecting what we heard in The Gallery and Mind's Eye into their newer stuff. Songs like Final Resistance give us hope, but in the end, we keep coming back for more even though song distinction distinction in DT's discography has disappeared to the point where they're lacking album distinction. I mean, really, can you tell the difference when you're listening to Character and Damage Done? I certaintly fucking can't.

At least you're not a Samael fan. Passage is one of my favorite albums EVER. Then Samael got stuck in mid 1990s techno, and fuck me, I've bought every single shitty, pathetic pile of vomit they've released since. INCLUDING Into the Light and Era One.

/sobs uncontrollably

you can sell those on ebay if you don't want them