More Maiden rereleases!


Apr 14, 2001
In other news, IRON MAIDEN manager Rod Smallwood (of Sanctuary Artist Management) has posted the following message to the band's official web site:

"As there has been some discussion about the 2nd Edition [of IRON MAIDEN's 'Eddie's Archive'], I thought you should know the facts…

"The casket took months and months to design and manufacture. EMI had to sell this as an idea, without tangible copies to show retailers, and place the manufacturing order 4 months in advance of release. These orders were much less than we projected. Consequently a lot of fans were unable to get hold of a copy in their country, so we went back to EMI and told them to fulfill the order to our original projected quantity. This is what they did.

"We are sure you would want every fellow fan to get hold of a copy of this collection in its original format — they should not be penalised for the retailers' caution. I can assure you that we took great care to make sure this rerun did not devalue the original limited edition collection. This is why it is clearly marked (on the packaging, the bottom of the casket, and on the scroll) as 2nd Edition. This is why we changed the colour of the casket tray (from blue to red). This is why only the first set contain individually numbered scrolls.

"So please enjoy the casket and its contents and be happy to share its value with fellow MAIDEN fans worldwide."


So do I! But not a second edition... There were plenty at Utopia, and everyone on this board who wanted one got one... I think Rod is telling fibs just to make more money.
Well, this rerelease is fine by me because there's nothing there that would (or should) make an owner of the first edition want to buy the second.
Come on Smallwallet tell it like it is:

"In an attempt to garner more wedge from the Maiden faithfull,we realise that we could have sould a few more thousand copies than first anticipated.

I admit it-we fucked up.But look on the bright side,we'll sell both versions to the anal collectors,and besides what else do the punters have to spend their cash on - St Anger -dont make me laugh!!

We're a band of the people,for the people and as long as they enjoy multiple dodgy live albums and iffy collectors items we will milk it like bastards.I would also like to add that I've spent 23 of the last 11 years in Australia and it's a fookin great place,and we will definitley be touring there in 200...hang on Steves on the phone....

PS-buy version 2 coz it's red not blue.Fookin great value that is!!"