More Nightmare Records Signing Sessions


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
The following is from Lance. Please note that once again these things have been scheduled after the official program was completed and opposite other band signings. I have no control over it. I will tell you that if you miss Manticora this time, they will have an official signing session on Saturday (time is in the program).

Glenn H.


The Manticora signing at the Nightmare booth has been canceled due to a conflict. The band will have their formal signing on Saturday as per program guidelines. Lance will assist them and have merchandise available at that time at their table.

"OUTWORLD will be meeting people and signing they're new T-Shirts, They'll be
a the
the NIGHTMARE merch booth directly after CIRCUS MAXIMUS' set so head on over
during the
change over and pick up a T-shirt and have the guys sign it, Nightmare will
have copies of
Rusty Cooley's solo album and you can also bug Kelly Sundown for a autograph
TWILIGHT CD. OUTWORLD's new Metal Opus will be available on Nightmare Records
in early 2006
but don't miss this opportunity to hang with the band and pick up some other
great stuff the guys
have done.
Don't miss they're set on Thursday at the PROG-POWER opening party!"

MATTSSON KINGS MACHINE, GEMINI and owner of Nightmare Records will be at the
NIGHTMARE booth over the Prog-Power weekend, stop by and say hello, he'll be
available to sign items....Special Items
that He'll have that won't be available anywhere else will be....the New
AVIAN album "From the Depths of Time", AVIAN T-Shirts, PYRAMAZE (Bone Carver)
Shirts & Posters, OUTWORLD shirts and
Lance will be taking pre-orders by Credit Card (WON'T BE CHARGED UNTIL
for PYRAMAZE's new album "LEGEND OF THE BONE CARVER" and also
for the new ASCENSION THEORY album "ANSWERS" (unfortunately this one won't be
from the presses in time for PROG-POWER) and other Nightmares Fall Releases
My root grammar instincts want to hurt Lance for his use of "they're." At least he was wrong 100%, all or nothing, huh? :grin: I'm trying to find something else to say, but I'm spent here.
Barking Pumpkin said:
My root grammar instincts want to hurt Lance for his use of "they're." At least he was wrong 100%, all or nothing, huh? :grin: I'm trying to find something else to say, but I'm spent here.
Man, do you have to find fault with EVERYTHING? You have a dig or smartass comment for basically every post on this forum. Lighten up, dude.
He is just plain annoying; it's getting hard to ignore now. How do you like the use of that semi colon in the previous sentence or would you prefer an "and"? Does it work there buddy?
do you know who typed that, BP? cause if you don't, you have no idea who you're making fun of. could be a innocent old lady or Mr. T.

i pity da foo who posts a grammar correction and a smiley face.
You're right! ^_^

Edit: ....or is it....? It's more of an issue of he used a word improperly than misspelled a word.
Barking Pumpkin said:
You're right! ^_^

Edit: ....or is it....? It's more of an issue of he used a word improperly than misspelled a word.

It's most definitely a spelling error. I could be wrong, but I don't think so here. Look up 'grammar.' I'm quite certain it's not that he thought the contraction of 'they are' was the proper word to use; if so, *then* it would be a grammatical error. (Yes, one t this time. Sorry if I'm not quite as anal about double-checking my spelling on a metal message board as perhaps I should be. :loco: )

The point is this: unless you've got your shit straight, maybe you shouldn't pick on other people too much.

Well, never a dull moment when Barking Pumpkin's on the forum. Speaking of which, what ever happened to Mattias of the Night?