More Otyg translations

Dec 7, 2001
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>Stride of the Wolf

Mörker och måndimmors nattliga prakt
Famnar nu skogsklätt hölje
Tronar den molntyngda nordröna
Med varande köld i sitt följe

>The nightly splendour of darkness and moonlight illuminated mist
>Now embrace woodcovered grounds*
>Throning the norse region, weighed by clouds
>With aching coldness in its company

Bak tigande furor på urmodig hed
I kvalfyllda skrymslen vad dväljes
Vad skärskådar girigt mot daltången ned
Där skälvande skepnader kväljes

>Behind silent pines on obsolete** heath
>What is lingering in agonized shelter
>What voraciously watches down towards the valley
>Where shivering creatures are tormented

I skumnong stryker blodhågad ulv
På hungersfärdf leder fränder
Törstdriven vädrar vidfaren skulv
Med döden bak blottade tänder
Flerstämmigt rop innvis granbergets block
Bryter den isande tystnad
Rödsprängde ögon i blodpälsars flock
Glimmar av otyglad lystnad

>Craving for blood, wolf rushes in dusk
>Leading cousins on a quest to ease hunger
>Driven by thirst, widely travelled beast sniffs
>With death behind bared fangs
>Polyphonic call close by the colossus of the spruce mountain
>Breaks the freezing serenity
>Bloodshot eyes in bloodfurs' pack
>Shining with devilish desire

Halvdagar sprids över höjd, över ås
Skugghärar vakar på liden
Men sänkor och myr som av dimmorna nås
Döljes när dag är förliden

>Half days spred over height, over hill
>Armies of shadows wakes in the mountain side
>But swampland and marshes reached by the mist
>Lingers when day has gone by

Kall äro jorden där vargbytet låg
Varmt är dess sinande flöde
Dan vakande sårgam som som härnaden såg
Sänker sig över den döde

>Cold is the earth where the wolf prey lay
>Warm is its drying fluid
>The waking vulture who watched the raid
>Lower itself over the dead


>Vers 1&4


*"hölje" doesn't really mean "ground", but "shelter" or "cover". But in english I found this as the best way to translate it, as not to repeat myself. saying a "woodcovered cover" wouldn't sound too smart...
**i got this negative feeling of the word "obsolete", although I don't know if I should or not, but anyway; that is not intentional.



>Mountain Storm

Av nordlig prägel först höres viska
Den arga vind som fimbultraktar skola piska
I kulet väder
Den härdar den som pinad ödemark beträder

>Of northern splendour is first heard wispering
>The angry wind that shall whip the fimbul* region
>In freezing weather
>It hardens those who treads this tormented wilderness

Dess karga klagan så ödesdiger
Nu likt et härskri emot hilmlabågen stiger
Dess grymma iver
En höstlig årtidssorg som tystnaden fördriver

>Its pour mourning so great of destiny
>Now ascends towards the firmament like a battlecry
>Its grim keenness
>A fall-like song of season that expels the stillness

Dess makt nu stegras, de veka fasar
Inför den stormblåst som i luftfärder rasar
Nu sorg befaras
Inunder olycksmoln där död skall vederfaras

>Its might is growing, the weak horrors
>Introduce the storm that rages in the air
>Now sorrow is feared
>Down beneath cloud of misery where death shall pass by

De dystra toner som ekar åter
Besjungs av fagra stemmor som för vinden gråter
Den omlikt kväver
Då, likt en vredgad guddom som sitt dödsgarn väver

>The dismal tones that echoes again
>Is sung by fair voices that cries for the wind
>Horribly, it suffocates
>Then, like an enraged deity waving its net of death

Ensligt land
Vid himlabrynets land
Där tysta furor tyngda står av trolska vedmodsband
Fjällets gnom
Betyngd i alderdom
I bergets valv, vindens alv
Rik i fattigdom

>Lonely land
>At the edge of the sky
>Where still pines stands weighed by bewitching bonds of sorrow
>The goblin of the mountain
>Weighed by age
>In the mountain's vault, the wid's elf
>Rich in poverty

Det råder vargtid och bråda dagar
Ej ens den rovlystna järv i blodtörst jagar
För regnets ilar
Bland klippors skydd då han i blodruset vilar

>Season of wolfs reigns and busy days
>Not even the glutton, loving to prey, hunts, thursting for blood
>For the rain gushes
>Then he rests in the intoxication of blood, in the shelter among the cliffs

När nordlig fornmakt sig framåt bryter
I raseri då ilsket fimbulstormen ryter
Den själaprövar
Det starka folk som i förgjetna marker strövar

>When northern ancient power breaks forward
>Then the angy fimbulstorm roars in rage
>It tries the souls
>Of the strong people who roams forgotten lands

Den piskar nu fjällets snökledda rygg
Där rimfrostgrå jökultungor består
Den isande kraft så vederligt stygg
Varslar om vinter dräpande svår

>It whips the montains' snowclad ridge
>Where part of glaciers, grey by hoar, endures
>The freezing power so incredibly foul
>Forbodes mortally hard winter

*"Fimbul" is originally a name of a winter, but is also used as an expession. It decribes the winter without using any other words. The name comes from norse/scandinavian mythology, where the Volva (the one in Allfader Vise) foresees that Fimbiulvinteren (The Fimbul Winter) will come right before the last battle/the end of the world. It will last for three winters whitout any other seasons between, and it will be extremely hard; extremely cold.
I know this name occurs several times in both otyg and Vintersorg lyrics, so I thought I would be useful to know.


When I translate more Otyg lyrics in the future, I thought of putting them here, in this thread. -Just so you know...
- good year and peace -
You're the first person I've seen who actually could translate "fimbul." Well, that one translation explains a lot. :)
Really?? Anyone living in a Scandinavian country should be able to translate fimbul, but well then... I'm almost ashamed...
And about learning swedish: there should be sets with books and CDs made for people to teach them selves swedish in bookstores. You can even find that in Norway!! And what norwegians needs to learn swedish..? Those sets are mostly in english. I myself would like to learn a little finnish (even though I know that is a very difficult language to learn indeed), and thought to learn it that way. Or just come to Sweden! (though I shouldn't be saying that... being norwegian and all...) It's a beautiful country, and if swedes are just the least similar to their neighbours in the west, they will happily help you learn their language. :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Or just come to Sweden! (though I shouldn't be saying that... being norwegian and all...) It's a beautiful country, and if swedes are just the least similar to their neighbours in the west, they will happily help you learn their language. :)

:) that is actually my plan to go in Sweden next year! damn..i've been dreaming of going there all my life!! (don't exactly know why though!!!)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Or just come to Sweden! (though I shouldn't be saying that... being norwegian and all...) It's a beautiful country, and if swedes are just the least similar to their neighbours in the west, they will happily help you learn their language. :)

I've been and will go again, for sure...
but guess what? My friends were mainly speaking in english to me...

I'll go to the Inferno festival (Oslo/Norway) in March!
Originally posted by Morgana

I've been and will go again, for sure...
but guess what? My friends were mainly speaking in english to me...

I'll go to the Inferno festival (Oslo/Norway) in March!

Well, did you give them the impression that you'd like to learn their language?
I'll go to the festival too, if I have the money for it at the time, but I think I will. We should meet then! Would have been fun :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa

Well, did you give them the impression that you'd like to learn their language?
I'll go to the festival too, if I have the money for it at the time, but I think I will. We should meet then! Would have been fun :)

Yes I did :)
... but it always ends up speaking English, they use the american one while I speak the british English.

Sure we can meet, some more will be there from the UM boards!
Makes me feel pride in my heart reading all these post, didn't know there was such amount of people who thinks that highly of Sweden.

Originally posted by Katmandoom

that is actually my plan to go in Sweden next year! damn..i've been dreaming of going there all my life!! (don't exactly know why though!!!)

If you do go, you should go up north, that the best part. Even though Stockholm rocks.
@Morgana... :)

@fjelltussa... Just meens that you are a good human beeing, taking your time to translate everything for the poor souls that don´t understand the language from the north...:) And, yeah, Fimbul is indeed a "strong" word...:)

-phyros (rambling about, as usual, not studying... As usual)
i'm afraid Scandinavia will soon be overcrowded with immigrants :cry:
i have plans to move there i soon as i can and i've heard of a lot of people who want that too...
Ok, for all the folks who'd like to learn swedish! learning from a book is ok, but you'll have to practice the pronounciation!
get some swedish friend to talk with you in swedish and also learn how to write it, go to chatrooms!
also, try to work out the similarities between english, which is also a germanic language, and swedish! that helps! go try to figure out finnish, you'll have no luck it hasn't any relations!
my motherlanguage is german, i learned norwegian from a book and soon i also understood swedish and danish, who are very similar(at least when you read it)!
so good luck, folks!

Hilsen fra østerrike,
Originally posted by Varganatt
If you do go, you should go up north, that the best part. Even though Stockholm rocks.

Yeah, must look a bit like north of Quebec, i'm originally from North West in Quebec province, beautiful landscape..

I guess most people speak English in Sweden, right? I'm trying to learn swedish a bit, from a web site called :

plus have a friend who can help me with pronounciation.. Hopefully that will help before i go there :)