More sustain and attack in my 6505 plus?? for andy sneap or all..


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2006
hello guys??
my cuestion I can obtain more Sustain in my 6505 +?
is good a pedal like a DOD 308 malmsteen??
That you advise me your?

i have a 6505+ , 2 mesa boogie 4x12 , tc electronic gforce, mxr dynacomp, dod malmsteen and a gate.

thanks guys.
i have a Triple XXX and all i need is a noise gate. i seem to get pretty good sustain. ive got a Boss NS-2. i got the Threshold on max, decay at about 3. dont konw if thats what you've got, but ive had pretty good luck with it. Just mess around with the noise gate, you should get pretty good tone out of a 6505+ without any pedals.
Honetly with the 6505+ (which is really just a renamed 5150) go with an Ibanez TS9 in the front. I was turned onto this by Andy Sneap, hes produced albums for Nevermore, Exodus, Arch Enemy and the TS9 5150 combination is the Key to some killer metal tone.

In Flames Clayman and Come Clarity were both does using the 5150 and TS9 setup.

Basically your going to run the TS9 as a clean boost into the amp. Keep the gain all the way down, crank the output and set the tone to taste. The TS9 will push the preamp tubes and add sustain. It also cleans up and focuses the low end.

Give it a shot.
thanks guy.
It is everything what i needed to know.
yeaaahh ,. Arch enemy, In flames ,,,,great tones.

But, it seems to me to be very simple to do.
Yea is not a hard thing at all. TS9s you can get the new ones for about $100 on ebay, you can even get the Mod chip to make it more classic sounding for like $25, all it takes is a knowledge of soldering and some patience to make it work.

I love my TS9 (its an original) the best $250 i ever spent.
wow, i never knew about the TS9. for those of you that use it, do you think it would work well with a Triple XXX? i figure it will if Andy Sneep produced albums from Nevermore, since Jeff Loomis used to play out of a Triple XXX. thanks for opinions in advance!
It will work with the XXX aswell but keep in mind that both nevermore albums sneap did (Dead Heart and This Godles Endeavor) Loomis used Sneaps 94 Dual Rectofier.

On TGE they added some Line 6 Pod XT for leads and a but of a Krank revolution to open the sound more.
guitarguru777 said:
Honetly with the 6505+ (which is really just a renamed 5150) go with an Ibanez TS9 in the front. I was turned onto this by Andy Sneap, hes produced albums for Nevermore, Exodus, Arch Enemy and the TS9 5150 combination is the Key to some killer metal tone.

In Flames Clayman and Come Clarity were both does using the 5150 and TS9 setup.

Basically your going to run the TS9 as a clean boost into the amp. Keep the gain all the way down, crank the output and set the tone to taste. The TS9 will push the preamp tubes and add sustain. It also cleans up and focuses the low end.

Give it a shot.

With the DOD 308 is not possible?? Slightly similar , that the TS9..thanks guy..thanks very much.
Yea you can use the 308/ You can pretty much use any OD/Distortion pedal. The TS9 is really just a preference. Try a few different ones and see what you like ....

This technique can be used with any amp. But it works best on tube amps / preamps