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The title of the new CD is Tug of War, taken from the lyric of the song Tuo O' War. It fits the lyrical themes as well as the cover art much better than Scope of Eternity. To be quite honest, scope had a nice ring to it but that's about it. I also didn't want to have a title to a record that had little, to no real meaning to the lyrical content of the record, other than a song or two. Also having to explain to hundreds of interviewers what it means would have been a real nightmare for me. So Tug of War it is! Thomas Ewerhard is furiously working on making the new artwork for the album as we speak. I can't wait to see it!

There you have it.


ebass said:
OK looks like the tiltle has changed!

It will be Tug of War!

Douglas A. Ott said:
The title of the new CD is Tug of War, taken from the lyric of the song Tuo O' War. It fits the lyrical themes as well as the cover art much better than Scope of Eternity. To be quite honest, scope had a nice ring to it but that's about it. I also didn't want to have a title to a record that had little, to no real meaning to the lyrical content of the record, other than a song or two. Also having to explain to hundreds of interviewers what it means would have been a real nightmare for me. So Tug of War it is! Thomas Ewerhard is furiously working on making the new artwork for the album as we speak. I can't wait to see it!

There you have it.


Sound fine to me, I can picture the artwork already!!
tedleonard said:
'Tug of War' is due to be released July 28th in Europe and 29th in the states
hurray! the same release date as NevermorE's enemies of reality :)
i think you should stick with Scope of eternity, does anyone else feel that way? let´s pressure them grrr...:hotjump: what´s a Tug?

if it will be anything like the last album I will fall for it!
i will be in Denmark & Germany (wacken open air) at that time so i can get it.
nothing ever comes to this godforsaken island of mine:yell:

I only have BlinkOAE... :(