More windsor/5150 clips.

Hmm, I was gonna say it was too scooped at first, but honestly I just think it's that omnipresent cymbal that's just drowning everything out (and piercing through my skull :D), cuz when the guitars are by themselves they sound pretty sweet! Also, the kick and snare feel a bit too low; really though, it's amazing how much that cymbal is skewing my perception of everything else! :erk:

EDIT: Is anything changing between the first and second half though? I find that I'm really preferring the second, maybe because it has a different (but equally distracting) cymbal...maybe varying it up a bit would help too
^ nope nothing changed from first to second.....the little guitar only part in the middle is only the 5150 though......then it picks back up with the Windsor/5150

I think i have the parallel compress too loud, thats why the cymbals coming through like that so much....still gotta mess with it.