New Amp! Peavey Windsor with Clips!


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
It came with a chip on the damage to the box...i called and they refunded the shipping! Good C/S

Well ill let the clips do the talking.

3 of them. Keep in mind the windsor is just a set up and go tone....didnt mess with it too much.

Guitars alone (windsor only) guitars only mast.mp3

Windsor in mix (windsor only) mast.mp3

5150 and windsor mixed 5150 mast.mp3


sounds really awesome! i always thought those windsors were more of classic rock amps, but they pull off a more metal tone pretty easily, it seems like.

also, that 5150 confused me for a second with no eq controls on the face, until i noticed that it seems to be a combo converted into a head, haha
Considering that im able to get one of these brand new for 200$ makes me want to buy one!
Yep, mine ended up being $220 shipped brand new.

I don't get how some stores are that cheap actually.
I work in a music store, and it would cost the store somewhere between 200$ and 250$ to get one in.. so these stores are actually selling them cheaper then what they had to pay for themselves!

Anyways, there is this small store in Sweden that bought a couple of these amps when they where on "drive", so they got them REALLY cheap, and no-one bought them.. so if i smooth talk i might even be able to get it under 200$! ;)
... And NO! I wont tell you swedes which store it is, not until i get my amp! :lol: