Treated my closet! Pics and Clip. 5150


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
So i bought the UltraTouch insulation....and treated my closet to kill the hollow sound. Before i was using matterss pad and 2 blankets to cover the cabinet and i would still get the hollowness of the closet in there.

I think with this stuff i got it all out! Im excited!
My whole closet is covered in it....and i put a double layer behind the mic....

I have 5 rolls left over that im gonna use for room treatment!


Mix 1 mast.mp3
Guitars only guitars only mast.mp3
Pics (not the best pics, but you get the idea.)




^ yea ill post clips of just guitars in a second.....

Well the point of it was to kill the hollow sound of the closet i was getting in the guitars....So i can still hear the cab in the room....mostly low freq coming through though....

Neighbors are on the other side of the apartment and non below me either.

I have the 5150 on 3 when i record.
Doesn't sound bad to me at all. I'm not really sure what you mean by "hollow" though; are you talking about the reflections that were bouncing back into the microphone, and making it sound like it was recorded in a small box? I can see why insulation/absorption would help with that. What I'm wondering is whether the insulation stops the sound from bleeding out into the real world... I've got a little cupboard room that is about twice the size, which could be good for recording guitars in, but I'm wondering whether I should bother.

I was going to build an ISO cab, but it seems like quite a bit of hassle for a not-too-great guitar sound.
^ yep thats exactlywhy i did not too concerned about the sound that is coming into the room....thats not why i did this....just so i could get rid of the hollow sound and not kill my ear drums when trying to record. This way i can use my monitors in the room and i only get the low end bleed over from the closet.

I was gonna build an iso cab as well......but i wanted to try this first and if it didnt work, i was gonna use this insulation for the iso cab...but this is better for me atleast....i like the tone i got with it.