Deaden a closet? Suggestions needed!


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
Ok, since i moved from my house in Wy to my new job in La......I have to live in an apartment for the next year. Which actually isnt that bad, since its a flat aparment, with no one above or below. But, i have a 10x11 room for my recording room now and that is the biggest problem. I cannot fit all my stuff and my cabinet and mic set up in the room like i did at my old house.

So really my only options are to get a iso cab(which i do not want to do), Or try and deaden my closet and record my cab in there. I would rather try the closet approach before i spend cash on another iso cab.

So anyone ever do this? And what did you use to pad the walls in the closet? Auralex foam? Or just shipping blankets?.......I really need to use somthing, cause ive tried this before and it sounded VERY hollow. So my main concern is killing the closet sound and worrying about the volume level in the room later. Know what i mean?

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!
Dont have my camera right now....its in the house stuff shipment....along with all my gear.

Its a standard closet....probably 5 feet by 4 feet? i dont have my tape measure

Its got a standard room door on it....not a sliding one.

Its got enough room to fit my cab and mic's. along with padding and close the door.
Dont have my camera right now....its in the house stuff shipment....along with all my gear.

Its a standard closet....probably 5 feet by 4 feet? i dont have my tape measure

Its got a standard room door on it....not a sliding one.

Its got enough room to fit my cab and mic's. along with padding and close the door.

OK, so I see in your OP you stated that you mainly need it in there as you don't have the room else where for recording a cab. Is sound isolation from the rest of the room/ appartment an issue, or just having it in there and sounding decent?

If it's the sound you're worried about rather than isolation, I'd probably look at some heavy bass trapping and using the closet with the door open to eliminate some boxiness. I'd also experiment with placement of the cab, facing inward vs facing outwards.