Morrisound Recording/Seven Kingdoms Fund


Sep 25, 2009
hitting two 'good-cause' birds with one stone!!! :)

From the Morris' :

On April 10th a group of thieves circumvented our burglar alarm and video surveillance. We've spent 30 years working hard to build our business. In a few hours they stole most of our equipment. The outpouring of support from the music community since the theft has been nothing short of amazing. Many of you have even asked us to set up a donation fund to help us recover from our loss.

Words cannot express our gratitude to everyone that has offered their help and support. But... we don't want your money. What we want more than anything is to get back to doing what we love to do -- making records. We've come up with a way that you can help us get back to work.

We've set up a "crowd funding" site (similar to Anyone that would like to help us can now donate to a recording fund to be used exclusively at Morrisound. If you'd like to help us get back on our feet, please pick an artist from our website and donate to help them record with us. You can help us, and a struggling artist at the same time.

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All donations are straight to recording time for the band selected. There are 'things' that you can get with your donations too!!! Please take a minute to check it out and help if you so please :kickass: