
I was at the CD store the other daying picking up some stuff and I was thinking of getting something new. I wanted something like really really brutal. Heavy fucking death metal. So I read this thing on the cover of Morticians "Domain of Death" and it sounded pretty cool. And I knew that had played a show with Internal Bleeding who I love. So I buy this CD. And wow.. it is complete shit. I mean.. some parts of it are good slam parts. And personally I do enjoy really low growls. But this band was just like "what the fuck is thiS!?!?" First of all, the guitars were just so distorted and it was hardly even riffs. The drumming was friggin electronic. The guys vocals were so low that you couldnt even hear them with the guitars. Some parts were ok but the rest was just horrible. And each song has an average length of like 1 minute. Anybody else ever hear this band? And also who would you recommend for some good, heavy, low death. I'm in the mood for some like Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, sfu, and Skinless sounding bands.
I cannot stand Mortician. I don't think anyone else apart from a couple of teenagers at my high school really enjoys them.

As for a recommendation..try Carcass, "Necroticism"-era. I'm probably totally off the mark here, but atleast I tried. ..right?
Dying Fetus rules, they're from my area. Cephalic Carnage is cool too.

Yeah I got a Mortician CD, same one actually. Very unimpressed. The vocals are terrible, it sounds like they had an ape do the vocals. Did you notice that they use the same riff in about 10 different songs? Slightly altered, of course, but essentially the same riff. That album is garbage. I've heard they put on a good live show but I still have no respect for that band.

The singer is a florist and lives with his mother. To that, I say "ha"
Originally posted by Herald of Abomination
Definitely download "Pissing in the Mainstream" by Dying Fetus.

My favorite off that album is Praise the Lord (Opium of the Masses). That opening riff is godlike, heh. I fucking LOVE it! Then when that extremely low growl comes in... gah, that song is so great! Very good lyrics, too. Dying Fetus kicks ass. That opening riff is the best riff, ever.
Yeah, definitely check out Dying Fetus' "Destroy the Oppostion" album..especially "Pissing in the Mainstream". Great song.

I would also recommend some funeral doom bands that may appeal to you such as Skepticism, Unholy, Dusk, dISEMBOWELMENT, and Funeral.
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Yeah, definitely check out Dying Fetus' "Destroy the Oppostion" album..especially "Pissing in the Mainstream". Great song.

I would also recommend some funeral doom bands that may appeal to you such as Skepticism, Unholy, Dusk, dISEMBOWELMENT, and Funeral.
Whoa.. I bought the album yesterday. It fucking kicks ass. Thanks for the recommendation...