opened for Mortician last night :)


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Fun times. The sound was horrible. Decent sized stage, decent PA setup.....everything mic'd, couldnt hear anything thru the PA.

The soundguy was too worried about checking his dB meter and the overall sound was just muddy and loose and shitty. And on top of it, my one buddy comes over after a few songs and tells me to turn up...after I'm already pushed past 2.5 on the 5150..... so I went up to like 3.5 and, surely enough, all I could hear was me. A friend said my lead tone was fucking impressive though, which made me very happy.

Didn't stick around to catch Mortician as it was getting late and I was running out of money and beers were $3 and I was in an area I didn't know too well. Funny though, as I was loading gear outside, this guy says "You guys kicked ass!! You got any demos? I'm the drummer for Mortician".

I was like :OMG:

Ran and got some demos, then couldn't find the guy. I guess our drummer stuck around and gave him a demo after they played and he said the guy seemed 'honored'. Very cool. I don't get to mingle with national bands too often.

You talked to a computer? :lol:

See, this is what I thought too.....Always thought they had a drum machine....kinda why I was stumped at first, and thought I mis-heard him...

definitely a drummer last night.

From Wiki:

The band began using a drum machine after original drummer Matt Sicher was dismissed in 1991[3]. However, when performing live, a replacement drummer is hired.