Moshing: Yay or Nay

Do you like moshing at shows?

  • Yay

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Nay

    Votes: 32 69.6%

  • Total voters
Sep 1, 2001
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I was just curious about who on here likes to mosh at shows. Do you like to mosh, or do you just want to watch and enjoy the show. I prefer to just watch the show. I dont like going to shows to get my ass kicked, i came too see and hear the music. What do you guys think. Vote yay if you mosh at shows and vote nay if you dont.
I used to at certain hardcore parties but that shit was not mosh was just trowing punches and hoping you do not get out with a broken nose ( im lucky i just got an anckle thing out of it ). After that even the most extreme mosh seems like a bunch of idiots pushing each other, so i quitted it...that is the main reason the other reason is that i cannot stay on my feet for over 1 minute in a moshpit im always on the ground and i hate that i gave up. I always hated headbanging so now i just stand there...
I hate it.

I go to a show to enjoy the music. I'd prefer to sit at a table and have a cup of coffee or something while listening to a show.

That would be great, you could just immerse yourself in the vibe..

It'll never happen though, there is always a few hard-core motherfuckers out there than want to start a fight.
It'll never happen though, there is always a few hard-core motherfuckers out there than want to start a fight.

That brings back memories...not that i ever started a fight or even got involved in one for that matter but i witnessed some pretty nasty things just because some idiot did not like the fact he got his ass kicked in the pit, hell why would you even get in the middle of it then that is plain dumb. That is the number 2 reason why fights break in anway but most of those can also be tracked down to alcohol...violence in a pit can be terapeutic i will say that but you kinda feel guilty when you trow your fist in the air and accidentally knock down some kid to the floor then everyone steps on his head...:cry:
I was almost squashed to death in a mosh pit.:( You see, a friend and I went to see a bunch of different bands and there was a break between Stereomud and Drowning Pool. After Stereomud we went and stood up towards the front to laugh at these Slipknot fans. Suddenly Drowning Pool comes on stage and starts playing their song "Bodies". Now, if you don't know, their song 'Bodies' is about moshing (a passage:"let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor" etc) the people were inspired and started to crash into one another around us. We were knocked down and I was almost lifted up for crowdsurfing:)eek: ). I don't even like Drowning Pool!:(

That was my first experience in a mosh pit. I won't be doing it again unless it's with some big person who can protect me. :cry:
Nay, I used to every now and then jump in a pit for the hell of it. I don't like it though because they are so crowded. Also, there is always that one jerk who wants to throw elbows and try to hurt people. I personally like to just watch the show and fully enjoy the band. However, I did get in a mosh pit or two at the Slayer show, but it's Slayer! :headbang:
I hate moshing. Moshers are idiots who obviously listen to metal only because its loud and fast, and not because they have any particular interest in the music. These are the same people who listen to Mortician. Anyway, moshing just means you don't like the music enough to listen to it. I'll be up front headbanging if you need me....
The lack of interest in music theory also shows why nu-metal fans jump around and beat the snot out of each other for shit bands like Korn, SLipnkot, Limp Bizshit, and Didturbed (to name a few)...the music is boring as hell, so moshing gives you something to do so you're not bored
I like it when there is some area that you can genuinely dance and still feed of the crowd, but I also hate the stupid violence that is either accidental or inevitable. Since all of the mosh pits I have been in always seem to degenerate I will say NAY.
I also seem to have had a lot of trouble with oxygen which is weird, because I am not short, but here I am gasping and nearly passing out and look over and there are these two tiny girls bopping away about a metre below... :eek:
One of my friends was not so lucky at another show and he did pass out...damn outdoor sets in middle of summer...we did manage to rescue him from having is head kicked in by steel caps. :rolleyes:

With a band like Opeth, I would definitely prefer to kick back and just take it all in... Hurry up and come to Australia! :)
Headbanging... yes...
Moshing... ehh... maybe..

I've had bad experiences in mosh pits... Hrmm..
I think mosh pits are a little different over here anyway...
emm you are beign to hard. Not everyone who jumps into a pit is a dumbass mortician lover music ignorant believe it or not some people enjoy it and found it terapeutic. The reasons behind it are almost the same as in headbanging just letting some energy out with a bunch of concenting people doing the same thing, some can still enjoy the show ill be damn if it cannot be done ive been on a pit punching random people and still noticed how someone forgot the lyrics or made a mistake on the guitar etc. Everyone respect people who do not like it or no longer likes it like me but is unfair to generalize everyone who ever gets exited about a band their love and decides to jump in.
It seems like a seperate thing from actually listening to the band and watching the stage. Reminds me of dance clubs where expending excess energy is more important than enjoying the music {such that it is}. :hotjump: :hotjump:
These are the same people who listen to Mortician. [/B]

Hey! there's nowt wrong with Mortician...

I used to headbang down the front, until I got my nose broken at an Entombed gig. Now I stay a fair distance away. Still like to headbang tho'...

I'm too old for that Moshing shit!
Moshing existed long before nu-metal... And it exists at shows which aren't even very heavy (A Perfect Circle). So it's not just a nu-metal thing.

I suppose some people like to physically express their feelings about the music. Some music works people up, and if I'm worked up, I want to do something physical. Moshing is just a total release of energy.

That said.. I don't mosh. I may not like my face, but I don't think it needs any protruding bone fragments. ;)
i only mosh at small local gigs and depends on how drunk i am :heh:
i don't like it though 'cause i have only bad experiences, i always get kicks in the head, punches in the face, guys falling over my head and almost breaking my neck, guys grabbing my arse 'cause i'm always the only girl around :mad:...
i lost a piece of tooth at a Immortal show but i think the worst time was when some guy got something against me ( i don't know why :confused: ) and started punching & kicking me, threw me to the floor and like 10 people fell over me and i got more kicks :cry:
I agree with most of everyone here, moshing sucks, it is all about the music...with metal...At most of the metal shows I've been to, there's always people in the pit out to hurt one another

It's completely different from hardcore shows...I used to go to a lot of hardcore shows a few years ago and that was a completely different thing...for all these hardcore & straightedge kids, the pit was more of a dance, people were definately getting hit, and hit hard, but not hurt, and not hit with the intention of hurting...I can remember an Earth Crisis show a while back, basically the crowd formed this huge circle pit (nobody in the middle, just a big circle and people spin around the perimeter of the circle flailing arms and legs and hitting people as they go around the circle)...but it's more of a dance than anything else...

The coolest thing, by far was a show about 5 years ago, I saw Bloodlet/Hatebreed/Entombed play. While Bloodlet and HAtebreed played, all the metalheads stood around while the hardcore kids had their circle pit and did their thing, just one or two random "metalheads" even bothered to get in, and they were in there for the wrong reason, and payed for it...

But then Entombed went on, and all the hardcore kids stood around the edges of the club, and all the metalheads got up in front, no moshing or pit or anything...just a bunch of metalheads headbanging and watching entombed play...

Pretty good show by far....Don't know if anyone out there ever listened to Bloodlet, but definately check em out (the whole album Entheogen still is in my car almost daily)...They broke up a few years ago, but I've heard they just got back together, so maybe more to come...

Anyway, enough babbling for now...