Most Beautiful Black Metal Song.....


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2005
Ok people this is my first new thread and i was wondering what is the song that takes you away on a shitty day and overpowers you with its beauty. Im prolly gonna get flamed for this but at the moment mine is Seven Tears Are Flowing To The River by Nargaroth. But thats just because of the mood im in
I'm an ITNE fanboy, but that doesn't change the fact that Majesty of the Nightsky is the most beautiful black metal song. The orchestral parts in the middle of the song are the best I've ever heard.

Bergtatt is nice too. Garm's voice is pretty.
Ooh Nokturnal Mortum--- I forgot about them. Okay instead I pick a Nokturnal Mortum song.... Can't think of one right now, maybe later.
I'm listening to the first Sacramentum right now. I usually do not like full on black metal but the music,production is amazing. love it

NP: Sacramentum: cries from a restless soul

Malignance, nice avatar.