Most evil band?


I dip my forefinger...
Mar 20, 2006
38 the watery blood
I remember reading that Opeth originally wanted to be the most evil band. Obviously they went in a little of a different direction. But that leads me to the questions: What is the Most Evil (Gr1m, Satanic) Band in Metal?

My choice is definitely Eclipse Eternal, which is the reason I have started this thread, now this is an Evil Band!!! Has anyone heard this band, they are extremely satanic black metal with blastbeats and some good musicianship, but be warned the vocals alone are scary enough to make Opeth look emo, (kidding)
BTW, Discuss.
the word "pathetic" came into use solely for describing stuff like this. sorry...
Actually no metal band I have ever heard comes close to sounding truly evil (as in literally disturbing, not the cheesy 'gr1m satanic (as you put it)', kind of evil) where as I can think of plenty of ambient that sends chills down my spine listening to it. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss ambient. Dork.

That's not to say I am defending Abruptum though, they aren't actually very good. But they seem to fit the bill for what you wanted.
Id say the most evil sounding when im goin to sleep or somethin would definatley be Godspeedyoublackemporer, thats true headphone music, Along with aphex twin called 'gwely mernans'....put that on while your about to go to sleep in pitch black.. Scary.

edit:altho AT arent evil, just trippy ffr
R1cky Mart1n is the tr00est, m0st chr1st rap1ng, kvltest, gr1mest, necr0est of all. As I Lay Crying, Shitknot, Korn and Linkin Park come close. Their music is so evil and shitty, it makes you want to kill everything in sight.
Metal head87 said:
R1cky Mart1n is the tr00est, m0st chr1st rap1ng, kvltest, gr1mest, necr0est of all. As I Lay Crying, Shitknot, Korn and Linkin Park come close. Their music is so evil and shitty, it makes you want to kill everything in sight.

actually it does make some sense